2007 100m Live Draft - playing

Postby DAVIDBELL 2 » Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:52 pm

Chacon Shawn - 2007ATT AT&T Park STADIUM (10-13, 2-5)
Chen Bruce - 2007Ame Ameriquest Field STADIUM (11-11, 14-11)
Davies Kyle - 2007Ang Angels Stadium STADIUM (6-9, 7-7)
Day Zach - 2007Bus Busch Stadium STADIUM (1-7, 6-4)
De La Rosa Jorge - 2007Cam Camden Yards (9-6, 9-12) wwwetz
Dinardo Lenny - 2007Cha Chase Field STADIUM (10-13, 16-13)
Dohmann Scott - 2007Cit Citizen's Bank Park STADIUM (11-8, 16-13)
Flores Randy - 2007Com Comerica Park STADIUM (10-10, 7-4) Coffee
Floyd Gavin - 2007Coo Coors Field STADIUM (19-19, 12-12)
Garza Matt - 2007Dod Dodger Stadium STADIUM (6-6, 11-11)
Guzman Angel - 2007Dol Dolphins Stadium (10-1, 7-5) genevajac
Hammel Jason - 2007Fen Fenway Park STADIUM (13-13, 3-6)
Hamulack Tim - 2007Gre Great American Bpk STADIUM (6-6, 13-13)
Hernandez Runelvys - 2007Jac Jacobs Field STADIUM (6-6, 6-4)
Johnson Jason - 2007Kau Kauffman Stadium STADIUM (14-11, 4-4)
Mathieson Scott - 2007McA McAfee Coliseum STADIUM (14-5, 8-Cool
Mays Joe - 2007Met Metrodome STADIUM (10-7, 5-Cool
McClung Seth - 2007Mil Miller Park STADIUM (3-3, 10-10) MisterG
Mulder Mark - 2007Min Minute Maid Field (11-5, 10-13) VolFan
Ortiz Russ - 2007PNC PNC Park STADIUM (9-15, 6-3) TBones06
Perez Oliver - 2007Pet Petco Park STADIUM (1-1, 9-9)
Politte Cliff - 2007RFK RFK Stadium STADIUM (1-1, 5-3)
Romero J.C. - 2007Rog Rogers Centre (7-10, 13-16) Durantjerry
Rusch Glendon - 2007SAF SAFECO Field STADIUM (2-2, 9-6)
Sisco Andy - 2007She Shea Stadium STADIUM (8-8, 4-4)
Snyder Kyle - 2007Tro Tropicana Field STADIUM (4-4, 11-Cool MoCrash
Towers Josh - 2007Tur Turner Field STADIUM (11-11, 6-9)
Vargas Jason - 2007US US Cellular Field STADIUM (4-7, 19-19)
Volquez Edison - 2007Wri Wrigley Field STADIUM (9-6, 13-13)
Wells Kip - 2007Yan Yankee Stadium STADIUM (7-7, 11-11) - Turtle

LOOKING AT PNC ...actually can I use Russ Ortiz card for my DH….LOL
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Postby The Turtle » Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:18 pm


Ducapa, tbones, Coffeeholic, Turtle


Terry101, geneva jack, vol_fan, misterg78582


durantjerry, huntthis, Mo Crash, wwwetz

I started the league, did not see it listed already.

League name is $100m Live Draft

pw is "live"

Ducapa, Coffee and Tbones can enter the east
The Turtle
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Postby Terry101 » Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:53 pm

Can not do it 1pm EST. Could at 1:30 EST. or Monday evening. Others should chime in on their preferences.
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Postby durantjerry » Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:00 pm

Any time is fine with me for a frenzy. I can't see it making or breaking my squad after a 15 round live draft and a ten man auto draft. Of course, I probably need all the help I can get.
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Postby Coffeeholic » Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:09 pm

Fatty, sent you a [b:b384332283]PM[/b:b384332283]
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Postby Ducapa » Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:36 pm

1:30Pm EST tomorrow works for me. We should pM everybody to make sure we get all people to post and chime in. So far times for Frenzy:

Ducapa - 1:30PM est Weds
Terry101 - 1:30PM est Weds
durantjerry - anytime

FYI - Huntthis said he already started a league...chekc the prior posts so we are clear. Hunt, what is the name of your league?
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Postby The Turtle » Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:20 pm

Nice to see people are paying attention


Ducapa, tbones, Coffeeholic, Turtle


Terry101, geneva jack, vol_fan, misterg78582


durantjerry, huntthis, Mo Crash, wwwetz

I started the league, did not see it listed already.

League name is $100m Live Draft

pw is "live"

Ducapa, Coffee and Tbones can enter the east[/quote:b2b3edbab3]

FWW there was no 100m league started yet
The Turtle
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Postby Ducapa » Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:36 pm

I'm loaded..if we are not close to full by midnight, can I ask we hold off on loading the last team until Monday for frenzy Tuesday?
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Postby durantjerry » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:31 pm

I will only be around until about 11PM EST. If I can't get in the West by then, I would say it's highly doubtful we will be loaded in time anyway. So my team will not be in and you can decide what you want to do as far as starting time..
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Postby Coffeeholic » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:14 pm

Since it seems highly unlikely that we will fill tonight anyways, I've decided to hold off until I decide how (or if) I want to proceed (Ducapa's upcoming absence negates the rush to enter anyway).

Sorry guys! I'm not normally the type to make waves, but managers dropping players rounds later simply because they've changed their minds just isn't kosher in a live draft, and I sincerely believe that this has comprimised our draft. I need to think this over a bit before I proceed.
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