Manager rating theme league-filled

Postby Terry101 » Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:32 pm

Lefty Righty Lefty Righty Pick
1. Ameriquest Field 13 13 19 11
2. Angels Stadium 5 8 8 8
3. Bank One Ballpark 11 11 13 13
4. Busch Stadium 5 11 6 6
5. Camden Yards 4 7 8 11
6. Citizen's Bank Park 9 14 15 15
7. Comerica Park 13 8 6 6
8. Coors Field 19 19 15 15
9. Dodger Stadium 1 1 11 11
10 .Dolphins Stadium 5 5 9 3
11. Fenway Park grass 14 14 4 10
12. Great American Bpk grass 4 4 13 13
13. Jacobs Field grass 5 5 3 3
14. Kauffman Stadium grass 10 13 2 2
15. McAfee Coliseum grass 7 4 4 10
16. Metrodome turf 7 7 10 10
17. Miller Park grass 4 4 11 11
18. Minute Maid Field turf 3 11 3 16
19. PNC Park grass 16 10 10 4
20. Petco Park grass 1 1 1 1
21. RFK Stadium grass 1 1 9 3
22. Rogers Centre turf 11 11 13 13
23. SAFECO Field grass 1 1 14 6
24. SBC Park grass 7 16 4 7
25. Shea Stadium grass 15 10 7 4
26. Tropicana Field turf 8 5 9 6
27. Turner Field grass 8 8 8 8
28. US Cellular Field grass 6 6 18 18
29. Wrigley Field grass 5 8 10 14
30. Yankee Stadium grass 7 7 10 10

Here are the 30 stadiums. They will be picked randomly so that there will be a column of 12 numbers in order So the first number corresponds to the the first person in the East, and the 12th stadium number corresponds to the last person in the West and so on. I will post for someone to help us and as soon as that is done I or anyone can post those results here.
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Postby Terry101 » Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:37 pm

Here are the numbers thanks to marcus wilby.



Here are the assignments:


1.(R) damienpassalacqua -25 - Shea Stadium
2.(N) chocolates (471) ----15 - McAfee Coliseum
3.(V) djl3737 10 - Dolphins Stadium
4(M) Splinter - 6 - Citizens Bank


5.(R) mbalsdon44 ---10- Dolphins Stadium
6.(N) Aray0113 ----- 12- Great American Ball Park
7.(V) ehlekev ----17- Miller Park
8.(M) Geekor ----11- Fenway Park


9. (R) Runnin' Rebel -10 - Dolphins Park
10.(N) Terry101 -- 14- Kauffman Stadium
11.(V) Stoney18 --- 3 - Bank One Ball Park
12.(M) Durantjerry ---27 - Turner Field

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Postby Terry101 » Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:46 pm

I will set up the league no later than Thursday afternoon at which time the East can begin to load. I will pm the password to the East tomorrow. League name is Tough as Nails.
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Postby Runnin Rebel » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:53 pm

Can't say I'm tickled with my ballpark, but so it goes.....

Terry this is a good website for making random picks

Runnin Rebel
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Postby Terry101 » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:26 am

For some reason my computer won't work on that site. I like the site though. Not thrilled with my park either. Oh well, play the cards as they are dealt. Should be a fun league.
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Postby Stoney18 » Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:54 am

I'll trade either one of you. Nope, I won't. For some reason I get my ass handed to me in Kaufmann.
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Postby DAVIDLEE 2 » Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:49 am

is cap at 80 million?
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Postby mbalsdon44 » Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:56 am

Interesting how 3 dolphin stadiums got picked and there is one in each division. Can't sy I have ever used this stadium.. This will be exciting...
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:20 am

I have been having computer problems at I hope to be able to get in today, I know we wanna get going for Monday so I'll try my best. I'll apologize now if I delay us.

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