Postby digglerdoc » Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:29 am

1- J Law - IL / 80 MIL CAP
2- Philly G - FL
3- Kevboyla - PA
4- Dirk - CA/ 80 mil cap
5- Dr. D -
6- Marty - GA
7- Blake - TX
8- He's Meat- MO / 100 MIL CAP
9- djl3737- NY
10- sjkorte -- IN /80 MIL CAP
11- Terry101- NM / 80 MIL CAP
12- The Mahoots - NV
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Postby johnlaw1564 » Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:13 am

Would someone mind setting up the draft site for our league? I'm out most of the weekend. We might start the draft on Sunday if everything works out. Also, we will soon change this topic to the Individual League Chat section. Also, when we move the topic everyone should check "WATCH THIS TOPIC FOR REPLIES" at the bottom of the page (during the draft and league set-up) Thanks! John
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Postby johnlaw1564 » Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:03 pm

I'm going to give Dr. D "KANSAS" unless he checks in before tonight.
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Postby johnlaw1564 » Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:59 pm

1- J Law - IL - 912 (1,24,25,48,49,72,73,96)
2- He's Meat- MO - 858 (2,23,26,47,50,71,74,95)
3- Blake - TX - 753 (3,22,27,46,51,70,75,94)
4- Marty - GA - 548 (4,21,28,45,52,69,76,93)
5- sjkorte -- IN - 544 (5,20,29,44,53,68,77,92)
6- Philly G - FL - 471 (6,19,30,43,54,67,78,91)
7- djl3737- NY - 448 (7,18,31,42,55,66,79,90)
8- Dr. D - KS - 430 (8,17,32,41,56,65,80,89)
9- Dirk - CA - 320 (9,16,33,40,57,64,81,88)
10- Kevboyla - PA - 277 (10,15,34,39,58,63,82,87)
11- Terry101- NM - 255 (11,14,35,38,59,62,83,86)
12- The Mahoots - NE - 171 (used NE vs. NV) (12,13,36,37,60,61,84,85)

Here's what I show for lotto numbers. Someone please confirm. If these are correct, picks are shown.
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Postby MEAT » Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:42 am

www.somdraft.com IS working now...I could set it up, but think we better wait to hear/here from DR.D, or find a replacement. maybe put out a page for him. if we set up the draft, and have to switch someone in/out, it's next to impossible. lotto's goin' good for me for a change, had almost unheard of (for me) #! overall in another live, and had a hard time deciding, so whichever one johnny law doesn't take, if he even takes one of the two i was considering, ill go with. pretty convenient that the commish got number one overall, and with the homestate lotto no less! :P
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Postby johnlaw1564 » Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:55 am

Hey Meat! I got an e-mail from Dr. D on Friday, so I know he is in for sure. Go ahead and set up the draft. We will not have any time limits until everyone gets comfortable with the draft site. I'm not crazy about the first pick, there is a loooonnnngggg wait between 1 & 24! I couldn't fine a lotto for NV so I substituted the closest state in the list (NE). I hope The Mahoots isn't too upset. Since I am leaving for several hours, if you can, you can make a forced pick for me. "With the first pick in the 2007 SIKL Season 1 draft, John Law selects P Roy Halladay."
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Postby MEAT » Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:50 am

since we're only doing eight rounds live, maybe we should just do it here. if you need to proxy, just send a private message to john or someone who picks after you in the upcoming round. not sure if everyone who signed up has a login for the somdraft sight, but ill check, but just think it might be just as well to do it here for such a short draft. btw, can't pick until I know for sure what the salary limit is. right now the vote is 4-1 80m. should we just go with that, or wait til enough people check in to make it 7-for. one last thing, im flying from 630-10-30am pacific time monday, home from the spokane regional. folllowing usc, too bad they're not playing the salukis...BUT HOW BOUT THEM DAWGS?! :?: :!: :lol:
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Postby MEAT » Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:57 am

just checked the draft sight, and of the first three names i checked, none has a login yet including our commish john law. i could set it up, but looks like almost everyone here would have to be added on with the password test. kind of an ordeal for 8-rounds, although the proxies are mmore efficent over there. let me know what cap is...ill pick when i hit terra firma, around 2 eastern monday afternoon.
suggest we just create draft order here...
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Postby johnlaw1564 » Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:39 am

We have moved this topic to the individual league chat. Remember to check the box "Notify me when a reply is posted" at the bottom of the page on the new topic!
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Postby johnlaw1564 » Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:30 pm

sjkorte - your up in the draft. We've moved the draft to the INDIVIDUAL LEAGUE CHAT topic. Best of luck. J Law
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