Meat Tom SGTD Mark Tater Terry DJL RGimbel Turtle Glenn Cal

Postby The Turtle » Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:33 pm

1. skipper al - 100m dh - Florida Cash 3
2. he's meat-100m dh 007 theme in honor of the year of our lord 2007
3. Terry101
4. Bawlmer (Tom) - [100MM DH] New Jersey
5. djl3737- 100m dh good to me- tex
6. Turtle -GA
7. Kramed (Mark)
8 Taters 100 million DH Full Draft Minnesota Pick 3
The Turtle
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Postby Terry101 » Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:14 am

Yeah Sarge is in a league with me and I pmd him, so hopefully he will be checking in here.
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Postby calbatross » Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:25 am

1. skipper al - 100m dh - Florida Cash 3
2. he's meat-100m dh 007 theme in honor of the year of our lord 2007
3. Terry101
4. Bawlmer (Tom) - [100MM DH] New Jersey
5. djl3737- 100m dh good to me- tex
6. Turtle -GA
7. Kramed (Mark)
8 Taters 100 million DH Full Draft Minnesota Pick 3
9. Calbatross

Count me in fellers...
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby SGTD » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:52 am

1. skipper al - 100m dh - Florida Cash 3
2. he's meat-100m dh 007 theme in honor of the year of our lord 2007
3. Terry101
4. Bawlmer (Tom) - [100MM DH] New Jersey
5. djl3737- 100m dh good to me- tex
6. Turtle -GA
7. Kramed (Mark)
8 Taters 100 million DH Full Draft Minnesota Pick 3
9. Calbatross
10. SGT D- (100MM DH) NY Mid-Day

Count me in fellers...
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby MEAT » Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:16 pm

two more and we can get started. candidates? known quantitites we haven't heard from? should I email b.k. or do we believe simnasium was a rousing success, or has him on a window ledge somewhere in s.f.? where do we stand on how many live draft rounds? I'd say atleast ten, prefer about 15, and willing to do as many as the majority approves.
also, a few owners like terry and mark need to pick lotto states...
you know riggo is also a guac, justice league etc vet...but do we want him to come in and annhilate us?! :oops:
Last edited by MEAT on Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MEAT » Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:17 pm

1. skipper al - 100m dh - Florida Cash 3
2. he's meat-100m dh ILL. 007 theme
3. Terry101
4. Bawlmer (Tom) - [100MM DH] New Jersey
5. djl3737- 100m dh good to me- tex
6. Turtle -GA
7. Kramed (Mark)
8 Taters 100 million DH Full Draft Minnesota Pick 3
9. Calbatross
10. SGT D- (100MM DH) NY Mid-Day

Count me in fellers...
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Terry101 » Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:24 pm

. skipper al - 100m dh - Florida Cash 3
2. he's meat-100m dh ILL. 007 theme
3. Terry101- New Mexico
4. Bawlmer (Tom) - [100MM DH] New Jersey
5. djl3737- 100m dh good to me- tex
6. Turtle -GA
7. Kramed (Mark)
8 Taters 100 million DH Full Draft Minnesota Pick 3
9. Calbatross
10. SGT D- (100MM DH) NY Mid-Day
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Postby Al Hogg » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:20 pm

Let's open it up to get the other two spots filled.

It would be great to have BK or the Colonel back, but I think they've traded in their SOM cards for good to concentrate on Simnasium. Some others who've played in recent leagues with us have included Pope Mollusk VI, CATom, Pacoboy, and tonysanfran. Any recent sightings of those folks?

Taters is the only vote I've heard for taking it out beyond 16 rounds. When all players are available in the pool, I actually think including some autodrafting adds to the fun and excitement. It has its own strategy to it, and there's that "Christmas when you're a kid" feeling of wondering if Santa HAL is going to give you the presents that you asked for. Besides, it takes about a week off the live drafting process. I might be convinced to go even fewer live draft rounds, but 15 players and a stadium does let you put together a starting nine hitters, four or five starting pitchers and one or two relievers.

We do need states for Kramed and Calbatross.
Al Hogg
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I echo 16 rounds

Postby TomSiebert » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:03 am

I agree w/ Elko Al for all the reasons cited...when we've got such a large pool of mixed players, going all 25+stadium is not so essential. Plus, I wanna get playing the game!

I haven't heard back from my neighbor, which suprises me, but then again I've been in the ATL for four days and I'm not sure he knows how to reach me. I'll see if I can find him tonight....otherwise, we should totally open this up to others....

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I'll Take Kansas for my Pick Three

Postby kramed77429 » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:50 am

Sorry, been busy at work by Tom just sent me an email to get my state lottery in. I'll take Kansas

On a side note, how many of you are in a March Madness Office Bracket Challenge?

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