I can't imagine that this site doesn't make money for TSN as if they were printing it themselves.
Simple math: (This is REALLY simple math here - I'm sure there are many, many variables)
the League I just finished for 2006 was TSN7002 and my last one in 2005 was almost TSN12000.
Let's say 7000 leagues is a good year for them.
Let's also assume that on average a player pays $21.00 for a game (split the difference between those who buy single vs. a 5 pack, and subtract some for the fact that every league gives away three spots for free)
12 players x 7000 leagues x $21.00 = One Million, Seven Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand Dollars. (seems so much bigger when you spell it out :wink: )
And that's just for the 2006 Season.
12 players x 12000 leagues x $21.00 = Three Million, Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars.
That covers the 2007 Season.
All I'm saying is that's a lot of money for TSN and Strat-O and even a 50/50 split between the two nets a nice profit for both, for both doing what they already do regularly.
Bernie - you're doing a great job man. Thanks. :D
But you do have my permission to go give them a swift kick every now and then to keep them in line and keep us happy. :twisted: