Need 2 More for an Auction... 2007 style!

Postby Coffeeholic » Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:32 pm

[quote:c679fbdfc3="geekor"]WTf was I thinking?[/quote:c679fbdfc3]


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Coffeeholic » Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:54 pm

It'd be nice to set this up so that we can make everyone happy.

I don't mind setting the bid expiration at 12 hours instead of 24. This would mean, however, that we'll have to check in more frequently. If this is a problem with some managers, let us know.

Personally, I think that 24 hours is a simpler time frame to work with than 12 hours (worrying about turning the clock "off" and adding 12 hours to a bid minus the "clock off" time, "opening" new players, the potential for a manager to miss out on a player if he's unable to check in for 12 hours or more, etc.). I doubt either option is going to matter to those managers who are short on patience, as they shouldn't sign up for this anyway.

This isn't a tour affair anyway, and I imagine that we should look at this as a "gentleman's league", expecting a few glitches and working them out like gentlemen. We should also be able to come up with guidelines that are acceptable to all... maybe a compromise here or there to keep everybody happy?
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Postby MEAT » Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:17 pm

Im happy as long as I get everyone I bid on, and everyone lays off and doesn't upbid me into bankruptcy.

actually, whatever it takes to get 12, I'll go by whatever makes everyone happiest and accomodates everyone. we're halfway home, main thing is to get 12 owners.
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Postby MEAT » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:02 pm

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Postby CATom » Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:21 pm

1) Coffee
2) Terry101
3) litangel
4) he's meat
5) geekor
6) AF Dickie
7) CATom

2nd division almost full :lol:
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:33 pm

I have some ideas and questions. First my ideas. I think what would be easy to negotiate as an auction participant would be to have many threads. One overall thread with a list of all players owned by the specific teams. And one thread for each player. Once you get a player mark DONE in a last entry. We won't have to look at the threads on the bottom of the list, because anything that has been posted in on in 24 hours is done.

Questions - Do we have to get a stadium by auction, or are non-unique stadiums allowed? If they are auctions, can I own more than one stadium?

In the autodraft, can I only draft people I have "bought". or can I draft open players whom no one has bought. After the draft, can I pick up "open" players, or only those I've bought? What about players who another player bought, but did not draft? Does trading work in any way other than normal. I heard you say we can own a total of 33 players, is that correct?

I think if we are going to do this, it needs to fill soon, otherwise it will run into the 2008 cards, and then no one may care!
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Postby ArrylT » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:54 pm

1) Coffee
2) Terry101
3) litangel
4) he's meat
5) geekor
6) AF Dickie
7) CATom
12) ArrylT


I'd be up for it if we went with the 24 hour clock. Hopefully you'll be willing to allow the guy who first designed the auction format to SOM to participate. ;-) Penngray gets all the credit for making it website workable, but the original auction concept was my work. :) Unfortunately I think the old forums have long been deleted, otherwise we could go look at them for inspiration.

Possible suggestions:

Rather than a thread per player, or 1 giant thread, how about threads per position or per 2007 MLB team (player goes to team listed with SOM 2007 Card).
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Postby ArrylT » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:56 pm

I believe Stadiums were bid upon, with a 2 stadium max purchase, and the bid $$ coming from your Auction Cap.

I think an Auction cap of $160-$200m is desirable, while a TSN roster cap of 80-100m is best.
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Postby geekor » Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:11 pm

another idea would be have 12 1 hour blocks where you must open your new bids and make all your bids (ie you cna only do any action during your block). If a player gets back to you on your next bid, he's yours. Then each person only has to check in once a day and there is no fear of overlap so we can use just 1 thread.

Plus those who are busy, can get a time that works for them.
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Postby MEAT » Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:39 pm

all right, we got two divisions down, one to go, if there are others like me who have two teams ending tonight, and a 3rd that has to win to stay alive in the finals, maybe we can fill this soon. A.T. is right, you can own two stadiums is the way ive played it.
I like the idea of a thread per position.
Im not smart enough to know if Geekor's idea is genius or too good to be true. having to check in once a day sounds ideal, but ofcourse you have to have a backup plan for days you'll not be around at that time.
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