by shinsational » Fri May 09, 2008 11:58 am
"So when I get robbed of that opportunity yeah I do get a little upset about it. A season lasts two months not two weeks. As such I feel as though I put a lot of time and effort into the project that is each season. To have all that time wasted because some absurd statistically anamoly is just not something that I am interested in participating. Whether or not that makes a D-bag or not is not for you or anyone else to decide. "
First of all, I didn't personally insult you. I told you what you were coming off as, I never told you that you were a D-bag. Second, statistical anomalies are part of sports and life. Hell, statistics and probabilities exist for the sole purpose of telling you how likely the anomaly is. A result happened that you weren't very happy with and wasn't very likely. You had three choices at this point:
1. Say nothing, think what you like.
2. Congratulate the lucky guy while pointing out how you got jobbed.
3. Whine like an 8 year old girl, pound how good your team was into the ground, completely discredit the pieces the other guy put in place to enable that crazy run, and whine, coming off like a 1st class D-Bag.
You chose option 3. Not being interested in participating in events that include statistical anomalies does not make you a D-Bag, you're right on that point. However, whining like a little girl does, and when I read douchebaggery, it becomes my right to decide that you're acting like a douchebag. You certainly don't have the right to whine and then tell me how to react to your whining.