Epic Comeback 22-1 over last 23 games


Postby BeltranFebles » Thu May 08, 2008 12:49 pm

Last edited by BeltranFebles on Fri May 09, 2008 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby askaufman » Thu May 08, 2008 5:15 pm

Rookie, when you actually win something, you can talk. At least he's complaining about something legitimate and not why Papelbon was removed in the 8th with two runners on and the moon in the seventh house and jupiter aligning with Mars :D
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Postby GlenBrummer » Thu May 08, 2008 6:36 pm

[quote:894a722213="askaufman"]Rookie, when you actually win something, you can talk. At least he's complaining about something legitimate and not why Papelbon was removed in the 8th with two runners on and the moon in the seventh house and jupiter aligning with Mars :D[/quote:894a722213]

I agree that he has a legit beef with losing. As exciting and unreal as it was for my dog of a team to come out of nowhere, I am sure he experienced the opposite. Unlike real baseball as in Colorado 2007 or the Cards in the postseason 06, SOM teams don't get hot as it is all stats.

BUT I think it was more than just bad luck that his team lost all those one run games.
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Postby askaufman » Thu May 08, 2008 9:06 pm

As I said above, [quote:e0a664e701]Ultimately it is a game of chance in reality and only your drafting and managing skills allow you to have a shot at winning a title. [/quote:e0a664e701]

Luck is in the eye of the beholder. I like to think of it as these two quotes:

"All of us have bad luck and good luck. The man who persists through the bad luck - who keeps right on going - is the man who is there when the good luck comes - and is ready to receive it."

"Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet."
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Postby Urishade » Fri May 09, 2008 12:38 am

I am certainly pleased that my extensive writing has invoked such a wide variety of responses and given this topic such life. More often than not the topics on this baord die out after a few posts either becuase of their banality so I am glad this one has sparked an interest.

I would also like to thank all of the people who took the time to personally insult me behind the anominity of the internet. Always get a good laugh from those entries as I find it most amusing that from a socialogical point of view people say things that they would never say to someone face to face. And in a way I am guilty as well as I have more than inplicitly implied that GlenBummer's team was vastly inferior. For that I apologize.

Glen's analaysis of his team and its methodology was actaully very fascinating and to get back on topic I would like to ask more about controlling the use of the bullpen to produce the way that the Doggies did. Admittedly I have struggled with the use of bullpen since the advent of last season and that obviously has led to a number of underperfomring teams due to poor performance in one-run games.

But I have tried a number of different methods to no avail so Glen if you would be so kind to lay out the settings that you used to ensure that Putz would pitch upwards of three innings a game when you needed him but rest up in games that you had little chance of winning I would truly appreaciate. Perhaps if you could show me the way then I could have solid bullpens and continue my playing career. In a way it would be a little gift to me after you knocked me out. You get a chance to win a title and I get the secrets of bullpen play. Thank you.
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Postby GlenBrummer » Fri May 09, 2008 1:08 am

Thanks urishade. I have lived in St. Louis all my life and the best baseball game I ever saw live was in september 1985 when the Cards and Mets were playing in a tight pennant race (both won over 100 games). Strawberry broke a scoreless tie with a towering home run in the 13th inning (12th?) that literally hit and broke the scoreboard clock.

It was a bitter loss but a great game. In some ways our pennant race was epic and unrepeatable. Your team didn't tank--it swept me in the end and we both were winning in the last ten games. My team just went on a streak. Even tho it was a tough loss it was better than finishing 10 games out or if your team had say lost 10 in a row.

I set my stud RP closer as both my closer and setup man. I find Hal brings in this pitcher in any game-usually but not always in the 7th, where i have a close lead and sometimes in a tie. Almost never when I am behind or far ahead. I also find Hal seems to use your next most expensive RPer next particularly if your other R pitchers are set one way (e.g., no lh batters, quick hook etc). I also set my stud RP with a slow hook.

Putz pitched 131 innings for me and almost all of those innings were in tight games from the 7th on. So those were very valuable 131 innings out of the pitcher with the best WHIP (.70!) in the whole player set.

Even tho Putz is a 1 inning RP he only tires after that inning if he gives up 3 (i think) baserunners in one inning. At long as he doesn't tire, HAL leaves him in there. The lower the whip the less likely that a RP will tire b/c its less likely that Putz will give up 3 runners in an inning than your average RP with say a 1.25 whip.

I have Eckersly on many of my ATG teams (tough managers there) and his whip is something like .65. On Eckersley's card, even when you add in the hits after being tired the dice roll number of hits/walks on his card are LESS or equal to my best starting pitcher untired. Alas tho Hal seems to lift my stud RP when he gets tired even though I wish he wouldn't.

The downside to relying on one or maybe 2 RP is as I said the cheap pitchers who in my case are ALWAYS 9L 9R types give up lots of runs in games where they are brought in where my pitcher blows up early.

btw I split the first two games in the finals but lost Ordonez for two games. He is a pretty key hitter for me. ouch.
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Postby apolivka » Fri May 09, 2008 11:24 am

I have used a very similar setup in several teams as well with 1 stud RP and then a bunch of cheapies. It can be a very successful strategy with guys like Putz. If your team has good D, and plays in a pitcher's park, you can sometimes get 150+ innings out of a guy like that. Kind or unrealistic, of course, but certainly an exploitable strategy in the game.

It is a strategy with some real downside, since you do get a LOT of blowout losses when you get behind early and HAL takes out your starter in the 4-6th innings. You also tend to lose a lot more extra innings games than you might otherwise lose since your 2nd and 3rd reliever are pretty much always worse than your opponents relievers in those longer games.

The run differential thing is kind of misleading with a team setup in this way, so part of the initial complaining about how you got screwed by TSN might be a bit misplaced. So instead of you being super super super unlucky, maybe you were only very unlucky. I still have not seen a link to those teams. I would be interested in taking a look.
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Postby shinsational » Fri May 09, 2008 11:58 am

"So when I get robbed of that opportunity yeah I do get a little upset about it. A season lasts two months not two weeks. As such I feel as though I put a lot of time and effort into the project that is each season. To have all that time wasted because some absurd statistically anamoly is just not something that I am interested in participating. Whether or not that makes a D-bag or not is not for you or anyone else to decide. "

First of all, I didn't personally insult you. I told you what you were coming off as, I never told you that you were a D-bag. Second, statistical anomalies are part of sports and life. Hell, statistics and probabilities exist for the sole purpose of telling you how likely the anomaly is. A result happened that you weren't very happy with and wasn't very likely. You had three choices at this point:
1. Say nothing, think what you like.
2. Congratulate the lucky guy while pointing out how you got jobbed.
3. Whine like an 8 year old girl, pound how good your team was into the ground, completely discredit the pieces the other guy put in place to enable that crazy run, and whine, coming off like a 1st class D-Bag.

You chose option 3. Not being interested in participating in events that include statistical anomalies does not make you a D-Bag, you're right on that point. However, whining like a little girl does, and when I read douchebaggery, it becomes my right to decide that you're acting like a douchebag. You certainly don't have the right to whine and then tell me how to react to your whining.

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Postby GlenBrummer » Fri May 09, 2008 12:32 pm

A link to my team is in my post on the bottom of page 1 of this thread. IF I have enough $ I try to get a second mid priced reliever. But I often don't have enough $ to do that. Really the best strategy is to convince ur league to let u spend an extra $20 M more than the other teams!
Last edited by GlenBrummer on Fri May 09, 2008 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby teamnasty » Fri May 09, 2008 12:37 pm

I think at this point Urishade has admitted that he was wrong for dogging out Brummer, and we all should just calm down and accept that his apology is genuine without further need for ramped up insulting rhetoric. I hope he decides to keep playing SOM online, because he's obviously a formidable opponent. Continued good luck Brummer in the finals.
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