by Jerlins » Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:57 am
Don't want to be pushy, but need this filled by Weds. or I'll have to beg out. I own a retail biz and would not be available if waivers is held Saturday due to the time of the year. I haven't a problem missing waivers at 5pm, however, I'd like to be able to at least have a little time to work on the team and working both weekend days would limit me unfairly. I understand that we can't satisfy everyone's time limitations, and we all run the risk of having waivers go off at an inopportune time, but I have little desire to spend 10 hours at work on the last Saturday before Christmas, drive home and try to put a team together. Hopefully we can get the last two teams in. It's a great theme with some great managers, I'd hate to have to miss it.