by childsmwc » Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:55 pm
On the question of Michael Young, yes the difference between a 2e12 and a 3e21 at SS is a huge difference. Plus Michael Young's 2008 card is not much worse offensively in 2008. His 2008 card is better against Left handers, overall the OBP for the two cards is almost identical, so the 2007 version simply has a few more TB chances, but a much worse defense.
In regards to the question that pricing has gone up in 2008, I would challenge you instead that pricing remained constant and that offense in the major leagues got worse in 2008. I think if you compare cummulative price totals for the top 20, 40, 50 hitters etc. in 2008 vs 2007, these totals will be fairly close, so the equivilant salary is going to the same players, its just that in 2008 those players don't produce as much offensively.
The flip side to this is that pitchers pricing is cheaper compared to last season. All of this dynamics is a function of the game of baseball changing from year to year, and the strat game reflects this. Comparatively the salary pools are the same from year to year in strat, but the underlying value associated with a run, changes as a result of the card set being used.