by LMBombers » Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:58 am
[quote:b65334be06="billyv"]The problem--and this is by far the biggest weakness with SOM baseball--is that the closer rating is not an effectiveness rating, it's an endurance rating. Being a "6" only means Lidge can potentially close for two innings, which is not what he actually does, plus it doesn't insure that he'll do it well. Meanwhile, Balfour gets a "3" for 4 saves, meaning he can pitch a full inning and get 41 saves in Strat, while Lidge, who actually had 41, will be lucky to get 4 with that card. There's no reaosn why pitchers shouldn't have "clutch" effects just like hitters do.[/quote:b65334be06]
A team can name anyone as their closer which means that he will get a closer rating in Strat. Just because a pitcher has a closer rating does not insure that he will pitch well.
Francisco Rodriguez got 62 saves in real life. Just try to match that in Strat. Aborations happen in RL as well as in Strat.