by Ninersphan » Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:13 am
I've been wanting to do a AL/NL two team league with the new set but haven't been crazy about the parameters of the others that have launched so here's my version.
Rules for picking teams:
1. Two round snake draft determined by evening state lottery (highest to lowest) Managers pick 1 team from either league in the first round. In the second round they must pick a team from the opposite leage. so if you pick and AL team in round 1 you must pick an NL team in round 2.
2. Stadium must be from one of your 2 teams
3. 100mil cap
4. DH
5. Trades are allowed
6. No free agents except as pointed out below
7. 28 man roster for the entire season
8. Divisions are East 1,4,7,10;Central 2,5,8,11;West 3,6,9,12
Twist rules:
Once the teams have been selected, we'll use the same lottery states for a second 3 round draft of players from the remaining 6 teams to be used as free agents.
Here's the small twist, you can only spend a total of 6mil on all 3 free agents. How you do that is up to you, you can spend 5mil on 1 player and .50 on the other 2, but no matter how you do it, the combined salaries must total 6 mil between all 3 players. Those 3 players MUST remain on your team the entire season and can not be traded.
Sign up with a pick 3 state below:
1.Ninersphan NY
2. rmilter (OH)
3. mfl536 (PA)(as long as rules stay as per above)
4. Mlb-SportsCzar (WA)
5. hawk (IL )
6. Eddie E (DE)
7. kaviksdad (SD)
8. chasenally (NJ)
9. ironwill1 (CT)
10. djl3737(Tex)