Really bad luck?

Postby joethejet » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:14 pm


Trying to figure out why you made moves when you were in first place. I dont' know who you had on your team, but right now you're 4.5 under the cap so I doubt the moves you made actually improved your team.

Team rates around 1770, but it's hard to tell exactly because you've made so many moves it's hard to get a read on your pitching.

Some thoughts:

Starting a 4 in CF and a 2b isn't a very good idea. Even with Rollins and Crawford, your D is below average.

You're pretty good v LHP, but not very good v RHP. Low OB, average and power. You do have speed however.

Rotation is OK, but why have Morales > 5 mil with 3 guys of a 4 man rotation? You have to throw Rogers as much as Morales. It's a wast of money.

Pen is Ok.

Given the cap hit you would take, it might be hard to improve your team at this point.

If you were in the preseason I would tell you to lose Morales/rogers for a * RHSP. Get at least a 3 to play 2b and Cf (preferably a 2 in CF) and improve your lineup v RHP.

Hope this helps,

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Postby phillyphreak » Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:05 pm


Trying to figure out why you made moves when you were in first place. I dont' know who you had on your team, but right now you're 4.5 under the cap so I doubt the moves you made actually improved your team.

Team rates around 1770, but it's hard to tell exactly because you've made so many moves it's hard to get a read on your pitching.

Some thoughts:

Starting a 4 in CF and a 2b isn't a very good idea. Even with Rollins and Crawford, your D is below average.

You're pretty good v LHP, but not very good v RHP. Low OB, average and power. You do have speed however.

Rotation is OK, but why have Morales > 5 mil with 3 guys of a 4 man rotation? You have to throw Rogers as much as Morales. It's a wast of money.

Pen is Ok.

Given the cap hit you would take, it might be hard to improve your team at this point.

If you were in the preseason I would tell you to lose Morales/rogers for a * RHSP. Get at least a 3 to play 2b and Cf (preferably a 2 in CF) and improve your lineup v RHP.

Hope this helps,


Thanks for the feedback. It is helpful. From the date that I posted my response with my team link, I started losing games with what I had. I wanted to try and strengthen my Starting Pitching which is why I picked up F. Morales. I had Jeff suppan as my other Sarting Pitcher and he was performing poorly. Since aquiring Morales, he has thrown 2 shutouts. I was at 7 games back a couple of days ago and I have the next 2 series against teams in my division. I am hoping to be close to first by the end of both series.

I start a 4 at CF and 2B due to their offence. Using Damon and Jimenez gives me better production then using their backups, although I have M. Giles who is a 3 and Cory Patterson who is a 2 to replace them on Defense when I have the lead. I could switch that out and start my 3 at 2B and my 2 at CF, but I am concerned about the drop in possible production. Other than the little bump in the road that brought me to last place recently (I was swept 2 series straight), it has worked. The past 2 days I have swept the 2 teams that I have played so I am hoping this trend continues.

One problem that I have had is with CC Sabathia. He has been up and down all season (more down lately). Not sure if I should hold out to see what he does going forward, or make a move and get someone like Randy Johnson who is available.

Thanks again for the feedback. This is my first team and I hope to do better with the next one that I am setting up using 2008 season.
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Postby joethejet » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:12 pm

Play Patterson v LHP, but not RHP. You have enough offense tehre and there's not that big a difference between the two at the plate V LHP.

Similarly you should consider playing Giles v LHP.

It's not that Morales isn't good, it's that you can't pitch him every 5 days w/o sitting CC and Beckett more than you want to. I wouldn't cut CC. You should prolly throw CC and Beckett on a 4 day schedule and rotate the other three in the other two spots. That'll help your rating about 40 points.

Generally you don't want to make big moves in a 20% cap hit league as you just can't improve enough that way, in general, unless you have some real inefficiencies to how you built your team.

I don't know how many LHSP's you're seeing, but the one place you *might* be able to cut and improve is at 3b. Your A Ram and Phillips is 8+ mil leaving you 6+ Mil to get some help on the right side.

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Postby phillyphreak » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:58 pm

[quote:140d7ad0e8="joethejet"]Play Patterson v LHP, but not RHP. You have enough offense tehre and there's not that big a difference between the two at the plate V LHP.

Similarly you should consider playing Giles v LHP.

It's not that Morales isn't good, it's that you can't pitch him every 5 days w/o sitting CC and Beckett more than you want to. I wouldn't cut CC. You should prolly throw CC and Beckett on a 4 day schedule and rotate the other three in the other two spots. That'll help your rating about 40 points.

Generally you don't want to make big moves in a 20% cap hit league as you just can't improve enough that way, in general, unless you have some real inefficiencies to how you built your team.

I don't know how many LHSP's you're seeing, but the one place you *might* be able to cut and improve is at 3b. Your A Ram and Phillips is 8+ mil leaving you 6+ Mil to get some help on the right side.


For my rotation, prior to 2 days ago, I had it like this:

1. CC
2. Beckett
3. Halladay
4. Morales
5. Rogers

With the recent struggles with CC, I changed it to:

1. Beckett
2. Morales
3. CC
4. Halladay
5. Rogers

Two series sweeps so far withe changes.

Would you recommend changing it back to my orginal rotation?

Thanks for the lineup recommendations vs. LHP. I am going to adjust that for tonight.
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Postby joethejet » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:49 pm

Well, you want to pitch Rogers as little as possible. To do that you want to pitch Beckett and CC as much as possible. Morales and CC rate about the same with CC being better v RHB.

I would just set my game by game rotation such that CC and Beck pitch every 4 and then throw Morales as often as you can without moving one of those two out of the way.

I'm not sure Hal will do this properly if you just set your rotation and forget it.

Hopefully that makes sense.

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Postby phillyphreak » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:17 pm

[quote:8cd68e6a17="joethejet"]Well, you want to pitch Rogers as little as possible. To do that you want to pitch Beckett and CC as much as possible. Morales and CC rate about the same with CC being better v RHB.

I would just set my game by game rotation such that CC and Beck pitch every 4 and then throw Morales as often as you can without moving one of those two out of the way.

I'm not sure Hal will do this properly if you just set your rotation and forget it.

Hopefully that makes sense.


That makes sense. I see what you mean. I checked on what I could do about getting a 3B that would be better vs RHP, but the best players are taken. Not too many good choices left, but I will see what else I can do.

Thanks again Joe.
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Postby joethejet » Fri May 01, 2009 12:14 am

Any of these guys would be an improvement and might be available:


See if you can deal A Ram. Someone might be interested.

Jimenez isn't bad as a cheap DH, maybe you can move Burrell to someone?

Good luck,

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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