Give & Take Theme Lg/FULL - Thanks

request to be an alternate....

Postby caimrisek » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:41 pm

4 Owners we haven't heard from yet. They're in "red" below:

Give & Take Roll Call. Add name & state to list or advise if you cannot participate:

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick - NJ
4. Kev - MN
5. Stoney - NE
6. hawk-IL
7. Jack377 - NY
8. keyzick - CT
9. - Ninersphan - RI
10. - Jehale - NC

11. - Geekor
12. - Errormagnate

1. CATom
2. caimrisek
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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:53 pm

The 2 Managers we have yet to hear from have until Friday at Noon or the Alternates which we already have will take their place.

I'm posting The Rules below so you all can read over them before we start.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:59 pm

[b:42ac324ab6]Give & Take Theme League General Rules: [/b:42ac324ab6]

1. 12 Round Serpentine Draft done on the boards.
2. 1 Additional Round called the [i:42ac324ab6]Give & Take [/i:42ac324ab6]or the [i:42ac324ab6]Screw Your Neighbor [/i:42ac324ab6]Round (discussed in detail below)
3. Advanced League/DH/Weighted Waivers/$80M/Progressive Drops
4. Pick a state with a Pick 3 Lotto. This will determine draft order.
5. Draft starts after filling league, but no clock until Monday 27th.
6. 3 hour T.L. for each pick beginning in Round II (9am-midnight EDT) On weekends clock will expand to 6 hours.
7. Divisions are 1/4/7/10 in East and so on.
8. Remaining 13 players are Autodrafted.

[b:42ac324ab6]Theme/Draft Rules: [/b:42ac324ab6]

1) Each Owner picks 1 Hitter AND 1 Pitcher in the first two rounds. Obviously if you take a hitter in Round 1, you would take a Pitcher in Round 2.

2) Each Owner owns the rights to the team from which his first pick is made for the first TWO rounds of the draft. For example: Santana is picked first. No succeeding Owner may take a Met player until after the first TWO rounds are completed. At the onset of Round 3 all players are fair game.

3) Your Stadium must be from the home park of one of your first two picks. If (this is important) you do not pick your stadium with your first pick, you MUST use the stadium from the team of your second pick. For example: Owner 1 with the Santana pick doesn't declare Shea Stadium as his park. He cannot pick Shea in Round 2. The only exception would be if he chose another Met player in Round 2. Then his park would obviously be Shea Stadium.

4) As previously stated, ALL players are eligible to be drafted AFTER Round II.

5) There will be ONE additional Round after the 12 Round Live Draft called the Give & Take or the Screw Your Neighbor Round (both are acceptable )

Pick 3 Lotto will be done again on a night TBD just before the completion of Round XII. This G&T (or Screw Your Neighbor) Round is a completely new order from the original draft.

6) No trading of players picked during either the first two rounds or the Screw Your Neighbor round.

7) No trading draft spots after the draft has begun.

8) First Two players picked cannot be dropped at anytime, nor can they be traded.

[b:42ac324ab6]Screw Your Neighbor Round Rules:[/b:42ac324ab6]

* Each owner gets to pick ANY player drafted by another Owner that was picked after Round II. Once an owner loses a player, he cannot lose any more players. Therefore each owner loses a player, AND gains a player.
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Postby the splinter » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:41 am

this is going to be fun!
the splinter
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Postby geekor » Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:50 am

I love this theme, one of my favs, but I am not spending any more $$ here, and out of credits. Have fun guys.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:28 pm

That puts CaTom in. Please select a state Tom.

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick - NJ
4. Kev - MN
5. Stoney - NE
6. hawk-IL
7. Jack377 - NY
8. keyzick - CT
9. - Ninersphan - RI
10. - Jehale - NC
11. - CaTom -

12. - Errormagnate

1. caimrisek
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Postby Stoney18 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:54 am

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick - NJ
4. Kev - MN
5. caimrisek - need state
6. hawk-IL
7. Jack377 - NY
8. keyzick - CT
9. - Ninersphan - RI
10. - Jehale - NC
11. - CaTom -

12. - Errormagnate

1. caimrisek

Jeep, work travel plans changed for the next couple of weeks and I don't think I'll be able to keep up with a draft on the boards. I know how much I hate waiting for people so I need to bow out. I put caimrisek in my spot.
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Postby CATom » Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:44 am

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick - NJ
4. Kev - MN
5. caimrisek - need state
6. hawk-IL
7. Jack377 - NY
8. keyzick - CT
9. - Ninersphan - RI
10. - Jehale - NC
11. - CaTom - FL

12. - Errormagnate

1. caimrisek

Jeep, work travel plans changed for the next couple of weeks and I don't think I'll be able to keep up with a draft on the boards. I know how much I hate waiting for people so I need to bow out. I put caimrisek in my spot.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:12 am

It's not looking like Errormagnate will show. So I'd like One more Owner to step in. Error's time will be up officially at Noon tomorrow.

Additionally, I'd like to use tomorrow's lotto to determine draft order and hopefully have a rolling start with no clock over the weekend. If anyone has any weekend plans, don't worry, as I said no clock.

Also, if someone has a buddy that might be interested in Error's spot by all means tell him.

Thanks all 8-)
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My pick for lottery...

Postby caimrisek » Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:48 am

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick - NJ
4. Kev - MN
5. caimrisek - IN
6. hawk-IL
7. Jack377 - NY
8. keyzick - CT
9. - Ninersphan - RI
10. - Jehale - NC
11. - CaTom - FL

12. - Errormagnate


Jeep, work travel plans changed for the next couple of weeks and I don't think I'll be able to keep up with a draft on the boards. I know how much I hate waiting for people so I need to bow out. I put caimrisek in my spot.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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