I've posted all of the Rules on the Individual League Chat board. (link below) I am open to suggestion on all of them. Please give me your thoughts while we await our final member.
Currently, we are set up to have the usual worst-to-first order for the annual draft. But I personally favor an NBA style lottery, where the worst record has a better chance, but no guarantee , of a top pick (and could finish as low as 4th) to prevent dumping of players. Any thoughts?
1- billyv - Mass
2- rzepernick - Ohio
3 - Rick Piergrossi - California
4 - JayW527 - New Jersey
5 - QueDog69 - Pennsylvania
6 - WPWangfuddle - Oklahoma
7 - Ineluki - New York
8 -litangel - WI
9 - ndowdy - VA
10 -Pennyville8- IN
11 -Russ1409 - New Mexico
12 - AF Dickie - Georgia