Postby AFDickie » Sun May 17, 2009 6:49 am

I've posted all of the Rules on the Individual League Chat board. (link below) I am open to suggestion on all of them. Please give me your thoughts while we await our final member.
Currently, we are set up to have the usual worst-to-first order for the annual draft. But I personally favor an NBA style lottery, where the worst record has a better chance, but no guarantee , of a top pick (and could finish as low as 4th) to prevent dumping of players. Any thoughts?

1- billyv - Mass
2- rzepernick - Ohio
3 - Rick Piergrossi - California
4 - JayW527 - New Jersey
5 - QueDog69 - Pennsylvania
6 - WPWangfuddle - Oklahoma
7 - Ineluki - New York
8 -litangel - WI
9 - ndowdy - VA
10 -Pennyville8- IN
11 -Russ1409 - New Mexico
12 - AF Dickie - Georgia
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Sun May 17, 2009 9:50 am

Your rules seem well thought out and detailed. I like them. The only change I would suggest, is that you suggested, we play June/ September for first two seasons. How about just for the first season? That way we could have a quick turnaround, and keep the excitement high. That is not essential to me, just a suggestion.
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Postby RUSSIMLER » Sun May 17, 2009 10:35 am

Rules look good to me, looks like fun.
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Postby bvargus » Sun May 17, 2009 1:25 pm

We are now full and ready to go ! We will use Monday's lottery results to determine draft order. I think Tuesday should give everyone some prep time after they know when they're drafting, and we can start Wednesday at 10 AM, if that's cool for everyone. Hopefully, everyone is excited enough to keep the first round moving without a clock. I happen to be traveling that day, but I will set proxies. Hopefully, everyone will set proxies (it's easy to learn) so that if they're not able to get to a computer, the draft keeps moving.
litangel, thanks for your comments. The rule actually does apply only to the first year, but it's referring to the two seasons within that year. (I changed the wording a little to hopefully clear that up.)
Any other thoughts on rules?

1- billyv - Mass
2- rzepernick - Ohio
3 - Rick Piergrossi - California
4 - JayW527 - New Jersey
5 - Steven Davis - Pennsylvania
6 - WPWangfuddle - Oklahoma
7 - Ineluki - New York
8 -litangel - WI
9 - ndowdy - VA
10 -Pennyville8- IN
11 -Russ1409 - New Mexico
12 - AF Dickie - Georgia
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Link to player pool

Postby ndowdy » Sun May 17, 2009 7:55 pm

I know I used to have the link to the player pool, but can't seem to find it. Could somebody post if for me if they've got it.
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Rule Suggestion

Postby ndowdy » Sun May 17, 2009 8:24 pm

I think that if we are going to save the stadium draft for last, we should have no clock on that round as well.

It may take a little time to try to match a stadium up as close as you can for your talent since the drafting of players will take place without knowing that.

Anyway, just a suggestion, I can live with it either way, but everybody will probably appreciate not being on a clock for the stadium draft...
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Postby TefJ » Sun May 17, 2009 10:24 pm

Here you go:
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Mon May 18, 2009 12:12 am

Ilke your idea for a NBA like draft also, with lottery for the first round. I am excited about this league, it does seem deeper than a regular strat league. I ordered Bill James 2009 prospectus to brush up on the players.
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Mon May 18, 2009 12:14 am

I have not done a live draft yet, what do I need to do to get to draft site?
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Postby bvargus » Mon May 18, 2009 1:08 am

No clock for the stadium draft sounds fine to me. The link to the draft site is:

but we'll need to get the league set up before you can really access it...
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