What about Gabe Kapler to play my LF platoon?
That would give me Giles, Ichiro, and Kapler vs Leftie and for righties, sub Schumaker for Kapler.[/quote:d15537bbbb]
Kapler's great against lefties, but not a good value against righties, and you won't face that many in your division. If you're looking to spend that kind of money, at least get Dejesus, though he isn't great for you either. I'd look around to find a good trading partner. If not Matt Joyce wouldn't be that bad.
As for Carrasco, he's right-handed, so I still think you need a lefty reliever.
Looking at it again, perhaps Yunel Escobar isn't such a good value (just as the As said earlier :oops: ). However, he is wrong about Inglett, and I don't think he's worth having on the team, and definitely not worth starting. Glaus will be good for you against righties.[/quote:d15537bbbb]
I could use Inglett as my backup 2B/SS at this point. For LF maye I will just use the guy that I have at this point. He is a 1L and a 2 defensively.
I will see if I can get a trade partner for Upton.
I just need to pivk up a better DH at this point and try to get a pitcher against lefties.