by J-Pav » Wed May 31, 2006 3:47 pm
I knew it looked wrong for some reason. It's all these damn posts with [b:66b6fa8576]luckyman[/b:66b6fa8576]. He's got me speaking Canadian!
Just look at the guys you know who can play and look at their 2006 records. I know you, [b:66b6fa8576]spicki[/b:66b6fa8576] and [b:66b6fa8576]PBTR[/b:66b6fa8576] are beating the trend right now, you especially so, but the vast majority of the better managers are playing just over .500 ball against unproven competition.
If the margin of error is +/- 8 games or so, it seems to me (through my own personal observation, not empirical study) that the vast majority of teams are operating in that 81-89 win area that is largely attributed to the vagaries of HAL.
If we're gonna get technical, we need [b:66b6fa8576]Penngray[/b:66b6fa8576] to dust off the stats book and look at variance and degrees of freedom and chi squares and all that stuff. (But if we add another Canadian to the conversation, I'm probably gonna be misspelling Dubose again!)
When you're playing .580 ball, it's easy to wonder what all the fuss is about. At one point, I was playing something like .620 ball myself, when the bottom fell out.
When it's all said and done, my first four teams of '06 have performed basically the same as in '05. The exception has been, I've rarely in the past seen teams win more games with wacky stats like .320 obp and sub .400 slg yet leading the league in runs scored.
Just my own personal rant of frustration I guess.