Is anyone interested in a $100 Million league?

Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:21 am

why should they get an extra pick?

first dl isn't careful and picks the wrong guy.....

then we tell terry to drop johan because nobody in their right mind would pick julio rather than johan at that stage........ he doesn't. his bad.

then we're going to give them extra picks?

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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:16 pm

I think it was was obvious Santana was a wrong choice. So who is at more fault, the guy who made the mistake? or the guy who took him when it was obviously a mistake?

I say 50/50, and like turtle's idea. We should do the same thing with Wright, IMO, especially after Hershey took my stadium. Bastard.
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Postby visick » Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:44 pm

Well, not exactly DT. Both are at fault.

I do know that Chocolates took Wright in the 4th round. That's where I was looking. It isn't the same thing.

djl made a mistake. I just assumed that since most of us here are veterans the mistake would have been rectified.

Guys, I'm on the fence here. We waited a bit for djl to plead his case. He couldn't get back to us. We didn't have to wait, but we kinda all thought it had to be a mistake. Terry then grabbed Santana, and he is entitled to him one 1 hand, but since, like I said, are vets, he could also give him back.

Playing devils advocate for a moment here...Do ya think if this were a league with NO vets, we would have waited? It would be every man for himself.

Now, we could use Turtle's idea or we "could" give djl the right to the 1st. pick in the draft, that he would have to announce BEFORE the AD.

If Terry gives up Santana here, he would need compensation for the move.
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:27 pm

Other problem aside-

The only way Wright could have been available is if Hershey dropped him. The system has never spontaneously removed players.

My team is ready to go, lets get this resolved and play ball!
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Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:23 pm

as far as placing blame.. nothing to be gained at this point as we all could have waited to clean up this mess before we continued the draft..

Can we at least give djl3737 the opportunity to replace Julio with another player... before we go to autodraft.... I suggest leaving Johan where he is.. and not try to "rig" the autodraft......
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Postby visick » Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:47 pm

If djl can/wants to replace Julio, so be it.

I have no problem with that.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:49 pm

[quote:fef6b3d609]My team is ready to go, lets get this resolved and play ball!


hear, hear!!!
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Postby Terry101 » Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:18 pm

I'm fine with any solution. I took Johan Santana when I saw he was available.
At the time I did not even know that DJL took the other Santana.

Then people pointed out that he probably made a mistake and drafted the wrong Santana, I agreed and said I would repick.

The draft was stopped, we waited and then the draft started up again, so I figured everything was ok. I would have dropped Johan if DJL said it was a mistake. As far as I know that never happened. What if I dropped him, then someone else picked him up. That would be stupid.

I was perfectly willing to repick, then after the draft is over, it comes up again. So, either commish rules or DJL takes another pick. I understand it was a mistake but why did the draft continue then? If DJL really is set on
Johan maybe we could work out a trade. I can't be sure a trade would work but I would be willing to look at it. What do others think? I want everthing to be fair and not have any bad feelings. Again, I would be happy with any fair decision.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:31 pm

Guess we're not getting together for beers when you come thru Hershey, huh? :lol:
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Postby DAVIDLEE 2 » Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:09 pm

Had computer problems over the weekend and was not able to get online to solve this problem. I think it was pretty obvious i would want Johan santana with such a high pick. I had many proxies set up so everything would go smoothly. I did not know anything about this until monday morning. I don't really know a good way to solve this. To get this solved, a possible trade may be one way to do this. We need to get a final ruling from some one to solve this. I did obviosly want him, but if i have to make another pick then i will, if that is what is agreed to, although after 7 rounds i am losing my 2nd round pick for a 8th rounder
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