Is anyone interested in a $100 Million league?

Postby visick » Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:38 pm


After further review...

These are the choices. Since the draft has ended, we have to solve this one of these ways:

1. djl3737 and Terry101 could trade Santana for Santana. Terry then has the option of keeping Julio OR dropping him. You must let us know. If you drop him, you can have your pick of the FA lot. Let us know who you will be taking in place of Julio Terry, and all other managers CANNOT draft this player.

2. djl3737 could drop Julio Santana, and then have any FA that HE wants, so long as he announces it. Like above, no other manager can draft that player.

I see no other way around it here boys.

djl3737- I understand and can sympathize about your computer problems. However, s-h-i-t happens. You made a mistake, that we are trying to fix. I'm not gonna point fingers here, I just wanna make things right for all of us. I too wanna move on. No hard feelings huh boys?
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:49 pm

So where are we at?
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:57 pm

Not sure Frank. I will be out of town at sometime tommorrow and wont have access unitl Friday, so, if I dont load a team before Wednesday nite/eve, I wont be able to load it until Friday.... :(
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:50 pm

[quote:fa51fbb7e7="Hershey Chocolates"]Guess we're not getting together for beers when you come thru Hershey, huh? :lol:[/quote:fa51fbb7e7]

I got the wife and kid, so probably won;t happen, we can meet up though, if you like.
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Postby The Turtle » Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:22 pm

[b:92ffebab12]Okay guys here is an outline of what happend[/b:92ffebab12]

[b:92ffebab12]First Frank posted this on June 24th at 3 pm[/b:92ffebab12]
Frank M
Display at Top 24 Jun 2006 15:15
Gentlemen, after looking who has been picked. I really do believe that DJL3737 meant to pick Johan Santana and not Julio Santana. We need a confirmation. If this was Splinter or Visick I could care less. Razz Laughing

[b:92ffebab12]We Stop the Draft [/b:92ffebab12]

24 Jun 2006 17:59
I'm fine with repicking. It is possible he wanted to take Johan Santana. Lets find out and if that is the case, I will pick another player.

24 Jun 2006 18:11
I will be gone a few hours. Let me know if I have to drop Johan Santana and redraft. I will check in as soon as I get back.

Jun 2006 19:41 Send private message Reply with quote
I would just assume he meant Johan, drop and repick and lets get going.

The Turtle
24 Jun 2006 20:42
I agree he meant to take Johann this is a 100 mill league after all ....Terry needs to drop and repick

25 Jun 2006 12:33

So then Terry has got to drop Johan AND NOBODY else can pick him up.
If Terry has no problem with that, he can drop him and re-pick another player.
When djl gets back, he can drop Julio for Johan.

Thanks guys...gonna unpause the draft. And away we go again...

Proxy...Proxy...Proxy...(understand splinter?)


[b:92ffebab12]In the other thread there are 5 posts which we tell Terry to repick and he doesnt ....after 21 hours passed from Frnaks inital post to visicks we restarted the draft without Terry ever dropping Johan despite us telling him too 8 times [/b:92ffebab12]

[b:92ffebab12]We finish the draft anad than DJL shows back up, he somehow had left enough proxies to get through the entire draft since he did not have access to a computer over the weekend, however we find out he wanted Johann after all [/b:92ffebab12]

[b:92ffebab12]We Than hear back from Terry despite after his intital post that he would drop him he does not post again for nearly 3 days and said this.[/b:92ffebab12]

I'm fine with any solution. I took Johan Santana when I saw he was available.
At the time I did not even know that DJL took the other Santana.

Then people pointed out that he probably made a mistake and drafted the wrong Santana, I agreed and said I would repick.

The draft was stopped, we waited and then the draft started up again, so I figured everything was ok. I would have dropped Johan if DJL said it was a mistake. As far as I know that never happened. What if I dropped him, then someone else picked him up. That would be stupid.

I was perfectly willing to repick, then after the draft is over, it comes up again. So, either commish rules or DJL takes another pick. I understand it was a mistake but why did the draft continue then? If DJL really is set on
Johan maybe we could work out a trade. I can't be sure a trade would work but I would be willing to look at it. What do others think? I want everthing to be fair and not have any bad feelings. Again, I would be happy with any fair decision.

So here we are with a problem of how to fix this. The facts are [/b:92ffebab12]

DJL mispicked and we knew it.
We stopped the draft.
We tell Terry to repick.
He did not.
We restarted the draft knowing this was screwed up without anyone complaining.
I know I assumed Terry was risking it and sticking with Johan sicne he continued to pick.
After DJL's picks kept coming I figured I was wrong and he did want Julio after all.
Then we finished the draft.
Now we have a problem.

We have some solutions [/b:92ffebab12]

1. We can make them BOTH repick and make Johann a free agent
2. Terry can repick
3. DJL can repick
4. We can go with my first option

"I had the idea today that they both put him a #1 on their draft list and let HAL decide who gets him, and let them each pick a player in place of him on Penn's gives them an advantage of maybe getting 8 players out of the draft and also penalizes them by losing their #1 draft choice."

5. We can do my option but limit that picked player to under 3 million (a role player)

I say we vote by PM so as not to offend anyone , if visick approves everyone please PM him (I'll be out after 2pm tomorrow so it cant be me) your response so he can rule on the decision fairly.

As for Detroit's situation personally I dont have a lot of sympathy there as the mistake was pointed out quickly and Detroit was able to fix it quickly , as also since i followed the draft i knew Wright was gone and never would have picked him before asking on this page .......however i would have never have taken Minute Maid personally as felt that was "off limits"
The Turtle
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Postby Terry101 » Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:08 am

Whoa, too much time spent without a ruling so here is the deal. I will just drop Santana and repick as soon I as hear from visick. I don't want to hold up the league.
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Postby DAVIDLEE 2 » Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:42 am

thanks terry. i appreciate the gesture. I will be more careful in the future on my proxies
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:04 am


what are you intentions? this thing has drug out so long that unless the league fills tonight i am going to have to drop out as i will not be around for the frenzy on saturday and willl have no access to a computer after than until well after the league starts on monday.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:05 am


you need to post your pickup here so's we don't draft him and further this mess.
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Postby visick » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:21 am


This is getting out of hand.

Terry, please post your pick TODAY (aka. ASAP). I want this filled and drafting TONIGHT.
Make it a sub $3 million player as well.

Both djl3737 and Terry please list Johan Santana on their draft list #1. HAL will be the deciding factor here. NOBODY else can list them on their cards. THIS IS ON THE HONOR SYSTEM HERE BOYS.

As soon as Terry makes his pick, the East needs to load. Please be ready.

Terry we are now waiting on you and your sub $3 pick.

Let's get moving!
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