AL/NL league w/twist, West can load

Friendly Reminder

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:38 pm

When you are filling out your auto draft card keep in mind that we have to carry 28 men at all times, per original rules(unless the majority decides to nix that rule). So you have to have at least 1.5 million left over to be able to buy the extra players we are required to carry.
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I don't get that?

Postby chasenally » Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:42 pm

We have to carry 28 players and have 1.5 mil in salary left over?
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:51 pm

chasenally said:[quote:58db3a2eab]We have to carry 28 players and have 1.5 mil in salary left over?[/quote:58db3a2eab]

I had a feeling this particular rule was going to cause problems, even though it was I who pushed for it. The original rules state we must carry 28 players. You do not have to have any money left over, but you can only put 25 players on your draft card, therefore if we are going to follow through with the mandatory 28 man rosters you have to have money left after the draft in order to purchase your 3 extra players. But if the majority want to nix this rule we need to decide soon. I had a feeling some people did not quite understand or know about this particular rule. That is why I am asking NOW if we are still using it.
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mandatory 28 man rosters

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:01 pm

I have a feeling people have not prepared or thought about this rule. And since it was me who pushed for it in the beginning I am just saying that whatever the majority wants is fine with me, and I think the majority is going to be against it, or have not even given it any thought. It most definitely changes the structure of our whole teams.

My original reason for pushing for it, was because it adds more realism, no MLB team has ever made it through a 162 game season with only 24 guys(at least not in the last 50 years). And my thought process was this would make us think more about role players, pinch hitters, defensive replacements,larger bullpens ect., ect. But if half of us are building our teams around the idea that we have to carry 28 players at all times and half of us have no idea that that is even a rule we have a slight problem. It is definitely an advantage to not have to carry 28 -players, that is why I am bringing it to people's attention now, some of us do not get burned latter. Like I said, I think the majority should decide.
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28 men

Postby chasenally » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:15 pm

If the strat rules allow us to carry 28 on our roster at once I am good with that. I have 28 players and money left over.
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roster size

Postby pcbaseballsims » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:30 pm

[quote:e41e2d0a28="rmilter"] So you have to have at least 1.5 million left over to be able to buy the extra players we are required to carry.[/quote:e41e2d0a28]

I recall commish saying from the beginning & recently as well keeping rosters at 28.
Last edited by pcbaseballsims on Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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I have drafted my 3 FA

Postby chasenally » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:38 pm

I will be back when the rosters need to be compeleted and the games begin. I have my team the way I want it and will not be doing any trading. I will watch for the season to begin, until then this is my last post. Good luck to all and FEAR Pujols, he will hit 59HRS and have 164RBI. :shock: Mike
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:40 pm

We are talking about an entirely different rule than what you are talking about(Did anyone read all the original rules ).

The rule Chasenally and I were posting about has to do with whether we are required to carry 28 players, it has nothing to do with the 3 free agents. The reason the number three came up is because that is the number of players we will have to pick up in addition to the 25 you can fit on your draft card. The draft card only holds 25 players, therefore to reach the number of 28 we would have to pick up 3 players(any players we have the rights to) after the auto draft cards are loaded.

And to answer Chasenally's question about whether TSN let's us carry 28 men, the answer is yes. Hence the original rule requirement. Which I am entirely open to whatever the majority or ninersphan decides. But this is a different issue than the 3 additional free agent rule.

The devil is always in the details. This is one of the tricky things about Theme Leagues. Everyone has to be up to speed on all the agreed upon requirements. And as we have found out, we are not all on the same page. But I am sure we can figure it out. The moral of the story is read the rules, and communicate, in a friendly matter, and no problem is too big.
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Roster size

Postby pcbaseballsims » Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:50 pm

Dont know what all the hoopla is about. Bill has stated several times hes sticking w/ the original rule--28 man rosters[u:5a374d822b][b:5a374d822b] at all times[/b:5a374d822b][/u:5a374d822b]. Period. Whats to discuss. There shouldnt be any uncertainty, Im sure we're all on the same page; we should be if people have been following the msg bds.
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Postby Misterg78582 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:18 am

1. Ironwill1 - Edison Volquez SP CIN 4.15(via proxy)
2. Mfl536 -Jake Peavy SP SD 4.53
3. rmilter- JACK WILSON-Pit. 2.87
4. kaviksdad - Jerry Blevins RP Oak 1.85
5. Ninersphan - Alberto Gonzalez SS WAS 3.09
6. chaesenally Brad Ziegler RP OAK 2.45
7. MisterG Nyjer Morgan OF PIT 2.57 (via proxy)
8. EddieE Joey Devine RP OAK 4.99 (via Proxy)
9. MLBInfoczar Steve Pearce OF PIT 2.06
10. djl3737 - Jay Bruce OF Cin 2.12
11.PracticalDoc - Kurt Suzuki C Oak 2.42
12.Nythawk-Huston Street RP OAK 2.24

13.Nythawk-Felix Hernandez SP SEA 2.69
14. PracticalDoc - Freddie Sanchez 2B PIT 2.49
15. djl3737 Chris Young SP SD 2.47
16. MLBInfoczar Ryan Zimmerman 3b WAS 2.76 (via proxy)
17. EddieE Corey Patterson CF CIN .50 (via proxy)
18. MisterG Ryan Sweeny OF OAK 2.05 (via proxy)
19. chasenally Carlos Gonzalez OF OAK 1.05 (via Proxy)
20. Ninersphan Jose Lopez 2b/1b SEA 2.34
21. kaviksdad - Roy Corcoran RP SEA
22. rmilter - Bill Bray RP-CIN .58
23. mfl536 -Cairo INF Sea .75
24. Ironwill1- Jared Burton RP CIN .87

25. Ironwill1 - Luis Rodriguez INF SD .88
26. Mfl536 - Paul Bako C Cin .50
27. rmilter- Jeff Keppinger -SS-CIN-.91
28. kaviksdad - Willie Bloomquist UTL SEA 1.01
29. Ninersphan- Raul Chavez C PIT .52

[b:2862c82b6d][b]30. chaesenally Andrew Brown RP OAK 1.90[/b:2862c82b6d]
31. MisterG R Davis CF Oak 1.05
32. EddieE
33. MLBInfoczar
34. djl3737
35. PracticalDoc
36. Nythawk
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