Scabs league----All players under 2 mil

Postby LARRYLANG » Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:35 am

Yeah LM we'll go with tonites #'s if we hear from litangel for his state...High to low for draft order...Division alignment will also be determined by the lotto, east 1-4, central 5-8, west 9-12. As LM stated, it may take a while for 12 rds so be patient, Oh well it'll give us more time to study the cards...After tonights lotto #'s are posted we'll start drafting tommorow....If some of you guys need to send proxies, I'll be glad to take em' if you are not gonna be near a computer...I, myself will be a little slow this weekend as I work weekends..I am able to check in every so often though..Should be a fun league..

Quirks---The reason you put your 12 drafted players at the bottom of your draft clique is you already own them so get undrafted players at the top so you have a better chance at rounding out your team....If you put your 12 drafted players at the top--you essentially loose the first 12 picks of auto draft.
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Postby milezd » Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:58 am

I will make sure to try to check in as much as I possibly can on saturday, helping my mum move so it may be somewhat limited

also, we set our salary at $200 mill, correct?
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Give me Cheese

Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:57 am

I'll take the state of Wisconsin, I loved swimming there when I was a kid.

1. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - DC
3. Ehlekev---ID
4. Terry101 - NM
5. fowldawg--IL
6. djl3737-ny
7. quirks-MD
8. BoDean - MO
9. milezd - me/nh/vt (tri-state lotto)
10.litangel - WA
11. DocTax - TN
12. Chocolates - PA
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:58 am

I meant

1. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - DC
3. Ehlekev---ID
4. Terry101 - NM
5. fowldawg--IL
6. djl3737-ny
7. quirks-MD
8. BoDean - MO
9. milezd - me/nh/vt (tri-state lotto)
10.litangel - WI -WI - WI!
11. DocTax - TN
12. Chocolates - PA
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Still a little Fuzzy

Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:01 am

So where do we make our picks, on this list? or somewhere else? I've never done this before.

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Postby LARRYLANG » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:29 pm

Kim---The draft order will be posted in the morning and all picks will be made right here on this thead....After draft order is determined tonite just wait for your pick to come around...Also be thinking about the stadium you want to try to select....Just watch and follow this thread and you'll see it is kind of easy.
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Postby LARRYLANG » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:31 pm

milezd---yes that is correct---it will have to be a 200 mil league because of the low salaries....200 is the only one that does not have a minimum salary.
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Postby LMBombers » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:48 pm

I am able to accept proxies as well. I took today off from work and don't have to go back till Wednesday! :D Therefore I have plenty of time to check in regularly.
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Postby milezd » Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:30 pm

LM, If I am down on the list I will send proxies, if I am near the top I may be able to make a pick.

didn't realize the 200 million league didn't have a minimum
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:13 pm

On my 1st pick, I will take Jason Johnson! 8) Sorry Larry, I am just kidding.........or am I?? :wink:

I am much much more responsive on live drafts during the week because I sit at my desk at work more much of it. On the weekends, I am typically everywhere but at a computer. However, I will try my best to sneak in and out all day Sat and Sun. I will throw together a Proxy list for LMB (Randy) just in case my wife has me shopping for clothes, curtains, and other manly type stuff on saturday. :cry: :cry:

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