by geekor » Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:42 pm
[b:d9017f0aa9]Come one Kev,
if we dont want to wait an extra week, we all need to be in today. Get your team in so we can have the west load :P[/b:d9017f0aa9]
1.(R) damienpassalacqua -25 - Shea Stadium
2.(N) chocolates (471) ----15 - McAfee Coliseum
3.(V) djl3737 10 - Dolphins Stadium
4(M) Splinter - 6 - Citizens Bank
5.(R) mbalsdon44 ---10- Dolphins Stadium
6.(N) Aray0113 ----- 12- Great American Ball Park
7.(V) ehlekev ----17- Miller Park
8.(M) Geekor ----11- Fenway Park
9. (R) Runnin' Rebel -10 - Dolphins Park
10.(N) Terry101 -- 14- Kauffman Stadium
11.(V) Stoney18 --- 3 - Bank One Ball Park
12.(M) Durantjerry ---27 - Turner Field