by JOELKING » Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:09 am
Eddie welcome aboard, its very easy, and dont worry we go very hard on you... i explain, if i am wrong in how i am explaining somone will jump in and explain it better...
what happens is, you first pick a state, or (canada) province, of the outcome of the lottery, meaning you just pick your state/province so for example, if you want NY, you select Ny for your results, when this wil determine the order of the 12 owners when the will draft there team, from 1 -12 Lowest results to highest results from the lottery, then 2nd round 12 -1 and etc, also btw 21-26 round you need to pick a park where you want your team to play in, you cant select the same park as any other manager, i believe also, you are on clock, window, frame, meaning you have X amount of time to make your picks, so for example, once your turns comes up in the draft, you have window of 4 hours, in that time, you need to make a pick, or pass it, or maybe even trade it away, if you prefer, or you could have someone do your picks for you, that is called a proxy, what happens then when your turn comes up, the person(s), you left your picks with will make your selection on your behalf, as long as thoose players are there, so if you leave a proxy with osmone, you must numver it like this
1) helton
2) M.Young
etc etc
try to have at least 5 set.
I hope this explains most of it to you..