You are so very correct :) :)
Went to all 3 games in St. Louis in WS....
Was in Columbia (University of Missouri) which is half way between KC and St. Louis and was there for the infamous game 6.
At a party following game 6 a huge brawl broke out between KC fans and St. Louis fans. It was because of "The Call"......after all the bruises healed, I felt that at least I had a little retribution for that "Call"
I am sure I left my mark on a few guys, but I definitely had a few days wearing sunglasses after that one. 8) ....nothing like a lot of beer and a good controversy to get the blood boiling. :evil:
Of course that was 22 years ago and I am much more mature and know that fighting doesn't solve problems.......whatever.....Where is Denkinger :shock: