"For The Seasons" - IS NOW FULL! 2nites LOTO!

DEWbuko - NC

Postby dewbuko » Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:03 pm

9. I would like to join DEWBUKO - NC
Last edited by dewbuko on Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Paul_Long71 » Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:02 pm

1. CATom - FL
2. buster j ratt - TX
3. ggapp - KY
4. djl3737-- NY
5. Paul_Long71--AZ
6. wwwetz - PA
7. jc88alsco - UT
8. mmcfall4 - MO
9. dewbuko- need a state

glad to have ya dew. we should be getting one more from our fantasim league as the sussex owner should be signing up too.
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Postby Hailedog » Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:20 pm

1. CATom - FL
2. buster j ratt - TX
3. ggapp - KY
4. djl3737-- NY
5. Paul_Long71--AZ
6. wwwetz - PA
7. jc88alsco - UT
8. mmcfall4 - MO
9. dewbuko- need a state
10. hailedog - NJ

I would like to join as well.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Paul_Long71 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:15 am

great to have ya Hailedog. we have 2 spots left and I'm pretty sure I've got someone for one of them (hopefully he'll sign up tomorrow). so we're getting really close.

Maybe we can even start the draft this weekend or beginning of next week sometime. again I've got a decent list of who the "core" players are if anyone wants it, just send me a "pm" and I can email it to you.

CATom, may want to have everyone check in when we fill to make sure they are all ready for the draft. Will we be using the "Individual League Chat" forum to hold the draft? If so, probably want to start a thread in there as well.

so close........

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Postby buster j ratt » Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:27 am

dewbuku has NC behind his original post They dont have a lotto or you missed that Me I dont know that but just noticed 8-)
buster j ratt
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:31 am

thanks buster.

1. CATom - FL
2. buster j ratt - TX
3. ggapp - KY
4. djl3737-- NY
5. Paul_Long71--AZ
6. wwwetz - PA
7. jc88alsco - UT
8. mmcfall4 - MO
9. dewbuko- NC
10. hailedog - NJ
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Postby CATom » Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:49 am

I think NC does have a lottery :) - ONLY two to go - NOTICE TO ALL - I am going to Las Vegas Wednesday night to play strato with the ATG boys -- still will have limited access ----- We will use the individual chat site for the draft - I will set it up once we are full - will use the numbers from the night the last spot is taken ..... THANKS EVERYONE for your help !!!!!


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Postby buster j ratt » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:45 pm

Good Luck in Vegas Something I want to do one of these days :lol:
buster j ratt
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:03 pm

I just checked. The last group that ran the "through the seasons" league took one week to do their 10 round draft. Just stating this so that people are prepared to take about a week or so to complete our actual draft. Will there be a 3 hour, 6 hour, etc... time limit. One day would be pretty long for 120 picks. Hopefully we can do it in a week by sending proxy picks to each other in case our turn comes up. Jcalsco, mmcfall, and I are all really good friends and we'll help each other along, but if proxy picks need to be made just send them through the personal message feature to someone that isn't close to you on the draft order.

Hope this fills today.

CATom: if we do fill and start soon are you able to follow/send picks/proxy while out of town? Vegas sounds fun, good luck out there.

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Postby CATom » Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:01 pm

YES, i'll make sure i get proxies out there - we'll be playing a computer tourney on Friday and Saturady so i'm sure i'll have access - plus there has to be a business center there, somewhere 8-)


Also, think we should do the same lines - A THREE HOUR CLOCK Monday thru Friday - 8a.m to 1a.m. EASTERN (5a - 10p pacific) with NO CLOCK on the weekends (midnight Friday until 8am Monday - BUT - you can still pick on the weekends, OF COURSE :)
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