It is not that I don't welcome the debate, I just think think is probably the wrong forum.
You are saying there is racism in this country. Unquetionably true. You talk about the perception of surly McGwire vs surly Bonds and the hate mail as if that has something to do with the "reason" people are now on Bond's case. I will not argue that Bond has not been the subject of racism, I will argue that the problem he is getting now is because he cheated. I am arguing that the same critizism would be being leveled at McGwire now if he were chasing the record. I am stating not that there is or was no racism against blacks, but that his problems stem from cheating and to disrespect him doesn't mean racism.
Three players late in their careers all of the sudden have a power explosion unprecedented in history and all three later to have used steroids and then to say that steroids may not provide any meaningful advantage iseems weird- just from a common sense standpoint. Just read about bodybuilders who say that with steroids they became stronger and bigger than they ever thought possible. Bonds, Sosa and McGwire exploded BECAUSE they were alreaqdy elite players; steroids took them to another level. The non-elite athlete would not benefit as much.
Yes I agree his greatness remains unchallenged. And, his smallness as a person is surely a separate issue. I think he is a great player, but those that question anything about him are not necessarily racist. You are the one who said that they were- you are not seeing that people like my sons do not like Bonds- not because he is black but because he cheated. You see racism within the critizism. I don't.
Our major difference is that you see racism in critizism of Bonds, but I don't believe you see racism in a black person's critizism of Ruth. In order for there to be racism you would have to believe that people are critizing Bond's breaking of the record because he is black. I do not believe for the vast majority of fans, that is true. Again, I do not want to see Bonds break the record because he cheated, I don't give a crap if he is surly or meek.
There is little chance that I am going to see it your way and the same must be true for you. You can give me a shot on these boards or by email, but at some point it will get old.