Mystery Mush II Signup...Full....Paging Charliewb

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:07 pm


Last but not least....Stadiums.

You will get 2 numbers....You must match them to the original list to determine which 2 stadiums you get to choose from.....

Please Post your choice below once you get an idea of which you will be using.....

I will say this....

You must post your choice by 5 PM CST Tommorrow so we can build and load our teams into the league that is set up.....

Visick....would you set up the league as Mystery Mush II and put a password on it....Remember Advanced 80M DH 5/10/20 FRENZY
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:08 pm

Stadiums coming now.....
Posts: 55
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:10 pm

Research Randomizer Results

1 Set of 24 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 30 -- Unsorted

Job Status:

Set #1:
(11, 18,)( 21, 19,)( 10, 30,)( 14, 23,)( 6, 9,)( 28, 3,)( 1, 17,)( 16, 20,)( 15, 25,)( 13, 5,)( 29, 8,)( 22, 26)
Posts: 55
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:13 pm

Divisions are as follows:

1. doctrcpa P (12,13) H (4,19) (12 = Toronto Hitting) S (11,18)
2. Bo Dean P (22,17) H (8,13) (11= Texas Hitting) S (21,19)
3. Akindian P (7,6) H (21,10) (4= Yankee Pitching) S (10,30)
4. Visick P (29,5) H (7,22) (3= Dodger Pitching) S (14,23)


5. Ehlekev P (16,26) H (17,5) (1= Anaheim Pitching) S (6,9)
6. Puckin Drunk P (21,23) H (6,2) (9=Cardinal Hitting) S (28,3)
7. Charliewb P (8,25) H (9,12) (8= Mets Hitting) S (1,17)
8. Doc Tax P (18,24) H (24,15) (6=Washington Pitching) S (16,20)


9. Frank M P (11,14) H (3,30) (5=Oakland Pitching) S (15,25)
10. Djl3737 P (3,4) H (1,20) (2=Arizona Pitching) S (13,5)
11. Keyzick P (10,9) H (23,14) (7=Brewers Hitting) S (29,8)
12. LM Bombers P (28,27) H (25,11) (10=Tampa Hitting) S (22,26)
Posts: 55
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:16 pm


This is what Puckin Drunks teams look like:

Pitching (San Diego and Philly)

Hitting (Cardinals, Cubs, Arizona)

Stadiums (Ameriquest, Turner)
Posts: 55
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:19 pm

Here are the teams 18 May 2007 14:35

1. Anaheim Angels (Angels Stadium)
2. Arizona Diamondbacks (Chase Field)
3. Atlanta Braves (Turner Field)
4. Baltimore Orioles (Camden Yards)
5. Boston Red Sox (Fenway Park)
6. Chicago Cubs (Wrigley Field)
7. Chicago White Sox (US. Cellular)
8. Cincinnati Reds (Great American Ball Park)
9. Cleveland Indians (Jacobs Field)
10. Colorado Rockies (Coors Field)
11. Detroit Tigers (Comerica Park)
12. Florida Marlins (Dolphin Stadium)
13. Houston Astros (MM. Field)
14. Kansas City Royals (Kauffman Stadium)
15. Los Angeles Dodgers (Dodger Stadium)
16. Milwaukee Brewers (Miller Park)
17. Minnesota Twins (Metrodome)
18. New York Mets (Shea Stadium)
19. New York Yankees (Yankee Stadium)
20. Oakland A's (McAfee Stadium)
21. Philadelphia Phillies (Citizen's)
22. Pittsburgh Pirates (PNC)
23. San Diego Padres (Petco)
24. San Francisco Giants (AT&T)
25. Seattle Mariners (Safeco)
26. St. Louis Cardinals (Busch Stadium)
27. Tampa Bay Devil Rays (Tropicana Field)
28. Texas Rangers (Ameriquest)
29. Toronto Blue Jays (Rogers Centre)
30. Washington Nationals (RFK)
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:38 pm

1. doctrcpa Pitching (Florida & Houston) Hitting (Baltimore, NYY, Toronto) Stadiums (Comerica or Shea)
2. Bo Dean Pitching (Minnesota & Pittsburgh) Hitting (Texas, Houston & Cincinnati) Stadiums (Yankee or Citizens Bank)
3. Akindian Pitching (NYY, Cubs & White Sox) Hitting (Colorado & Philadelphia) Stadiums (RFK or Coors)
4. Visick Pitching (Toronto, Boston & LAD) Hitting (White Sox & Pittsburgh) Stadiums (Kaufman or PETCO)


5. Ehlekev Pitching (St. Louis, Milwaukee & Anaheim) Hitting (Minnesota & Boston) Stadiums (Wrigley or Jacobs)
6. Puckin Drunk Pitching (Philadelphia & San Diego) Hitting (Cubs, Arizona & St. Louis) Stadiums (Turner or Ameriquest)
7. Charliewb Pitching (Cincinnati & Seattle) Hitting (Cleveland, Florida & NYMets) Stadiums (Angels or Metrodome)
8. Doc Tax Pitching (NYMets, San Francisco & Washington) Hitting (San Francisco & LAD) Stadiums (Miller or McAfee)


9. Frank M Pitching (Detroit, Kansas City & Oakland) Hitting (Atlanta & Washington) Stadiums (Dodger or Safeco)
10. Djl3737 Pitching (Atlanta, Arizona & Baltimore) Hitting (Anaheim & Oakland) Stadiums (Fenway or Minute Maid)
11. Keyzick Pitching (Cleveland & Colorado) Hitting (Kansas City, San Diego & Milwaukee) Stadiums (Rogers or Great American)
12. LM Bombers Pitching (Tampa Bay & Texas) Hitting (Tampa Bay, Detroit & Seattle) Stadiums (Busch or PNC)
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Stadium choice

Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:41 pm

1. doctrcpa -
2. Bo Dean -
3. Akindian -
4. Visick -


5. Ehlekev -
6. Puckin Drunk -
7. Charliewb -
8. Doc Tax -


9. Frank M -
10. Djl3737 -
11. Keyzick -
12. LM Bombers -
Posts: 55
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Devil Rays?

Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:49 pm

How did I end up with the entire Tampa Bay roster? OK, I'll take the hitters but the pitching?.....and combined with Texas? The rotation is scary but at least Texas has some RP. Crawford and Ichiro in the same OF? I like that! Actually I have several good OF options for that 3rd OF spot. (Baldelli, Delmon Young, Magglio Ordonez)

This is fun, Thanks again Bodie!
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:49 pm

Stadium choice 30 Jul 2007 18:41

1. doctrcpa -
2. Bo Dean -
3. Akindian -
4. Visick -


5. Ehlekev -
6. Puckin Drunk - Turner (Pretty Sure)
7. Charliewb -
8. Doc Tax -


9. Frank M -
10. Djl3737 -
11. Keyzick -
12. LM Bombers
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