by Jeepdriver » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:20 pm
Just finished my team so I'll be ready to create the league once we get the last Joe.
I'll be out till about 4 though.
As you prepare your squads keep in mind the rules:
-- Pros must have $1mil left on their card, iow draft a max[b:016cce52b4] $79mil[/b:016cce52b4] team.
-- Pros must have a player under [b:016cce52b4]$4mil[/b:016cce52b4] in the [b:016cce52b4]first[/b:016cce52b4] draft spot. Joes on the other hand [b:016cce52b4]anyone [/b:016cce52b4]at the[b:016cce52b4] top[/b:016cce52b4] spot, no more than a [b:016cce52b4]$4mil [/b:016cce52b4]player at the [b:016cce52b4]2nd[/b:016cce52b4] draft spot.
-- Pros play in park they listed when signing up.
-- Pros must play full-time a player of at least a '4' range in one of the OF positions. I say [i:016cce52b4]at least[/i:016cce52b4] because Kev might want to play a '5'. :wink:
Note: It may be that someone wants an OF of a '3' range or better to play DH. That's okay [i:016cce52b4]as long as[/i:016cce52b4] he plays DH and [i:016cce52b4]not [/i:016cce52b4]in place of your '4' guy. In case of injury to the '4' guy then the range is waived. So, for example, your '3' range OF playing DH could legally slide into an OF spot if the '4' range guy gets injured. If it's a platoon situation, and one '4' range guy gets injured, but NOT the other, then that other player still has to play in the L/U of his platoon side.
Thought I would go ahead and post these rule clarifications now 'cause I can see someone asking about what I just wrote there.