by Coffeeholic » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:01 am
This is open for discussion of course, but we should get somethings down in writing. WIth [b:f706186627]ArrrylT[/b:f706186627], [b:f706186627]Geekor[/b:f706186627], [b:f706186627]Hizzy[/b:f706186627] and others who have done this before on hand, we should definetly go with whatever suggestions they mighty have
A) $160 mil in bidding money to field a standard $80 mil DH team.
B) 12 or 24 hour clock? Although I agree that a 12 hour clock may save us some time, I don't think that the amount of time saved would be enough to justify getting away from the ease and convenience of going with a 24 hour clock. Hence, I'd have to vote for a 24 hour window to win a bid.
C) Maximum players and stadiums you can bid on and/or win. [b:f706186627]Geekor[/b:f706186627], I appreciate your feelings about this issue, but I have to be honest here. My least favorite thing about auctions is that by managers controlling more than 25 players, this effectively blocks any in season moves, relegating the season to one of watching and hoping. So I was going to propose that after the season begins, all players revert to an "uncontrolled" status. However, perhaps we can come to some sort of compromise? Can we agree on a max of 2 stadiums as the limit?
D) Opening bids on players or staidums to be $0.3mil (auction money). Raises in bids have to be at least 10% higher than the existing bid ... rounding up to the nearest $0.10mil. In other words, If a current bid on a player is $3mil, you'd have to raise that to $3.3mil. A bid of $3.3mil would have to be raised to $3.7mil, etc, etc... We'll all have to keep a calculator close by and make sure that we do not exceed our $160mil in bidding money.
E) Absolutely [b:f706186627]NO[/b:f706186627] communication regarding bids, players, trades, etc. during the auction!
F) A manager must "open" 2 new players each 24 hours (or every 12 hours if we go that way) before he/she can "up" a bid on an alkeady open player. Once a manager has won enough players to fill out a legitimate draft card, the requirement of opening 2 new players before "upping" a bid is dropped.
G) Whatever time frame we agree on, let's use the clock from these message boards as the standard we go by. In other words, if your bid was posted (per the post) on Monday at 10:15am, then it will expire on Tuesday at 10:15am (per the posts). It does take a little time to make a post ("copy", "paste", edit, post), so unlike Penns site which had an absolute on timing issues, I think it would be a good idea to have a 15 or 30 minute window to exclude bids. This would mean that the "last second" upping of a bid ("sniping") would have to be done 15 - 30 minutes before the actual bid expires. ????
H) However many different threads we want to use, I think it importatnt to have a "Official Bid Thread" where all bids are placed in chronlogical order. Those bids ending soonest will be athe top of the thread, those ending last at the bottom. This will allow us to quickly check on which players are almost gone and will act as the "hammer going down" on a bid. We can have additional threads to show players by postions and perhaps also one showing manager bids, players won, auction $ spent, etc.
I) I think it important to note that however detailed we are with the format and rules before hand, there are bound to be issues which crop up during the auction. Thus, I think it very important that we all agree ahead of time that we won't be "rules lawyers", but that we'll approach this on a gentlemanly basis and remember to keep in the spirit of things (friendly competition among those of us who'd like to try an auction). If we get the bugs worked out the first time around, runiing a second or succeeding auctions should be that much easier!
J) I know I must be missing some things. What else do we have to have in place before we get started?
Last edited by
Coffeeholic on Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.