ONE Needed for 2007 Live Draft, $100M, DH, Unique Stadiums

Just updated Subject

Postby TomSiebert » Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:55 pm

Putting out a call for the last two spots.

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Postby doug_tucker10 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:52 pm

. Tom Siebert - N.J.
2. Al Hogg - Fla. Cash 3
3. Curt Alliaume -- Illinois (PM)
4. he's meat - ca.
5. BED (SGT D) - NY (PM or AM, Whatever gets me first pick
6. The Turtle - Texas
7. Calbatross - LA
8. Mark Siebert - KS
9. Terry101-NM
10. Jason Clinkscales - MA
11. Jamesgang77 - Pennsylvania

I can only draft in the PM (about 730) on Monday thru Thursday. Tomorrow night i've got another live draft.
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Hello, James Gang !

Postby TomSiebert » Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:10 am

In the past, we've used this Live Draft site:

Though I don't know if it's been updated w/ 2007 teams or not. It usually takes about a week, but there's time to think about your next choice.

Thanks for joining us! Watch this space....

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Postby durantjerry » Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:30 am

. Tom Siebert - N.J.
2. Al Hogg - Fla. Cash 3
3. Curt Alliaume -- Illinois (PM)
4. he's meat - ca.
5. BED (SGT D) - NY (PM or AM, Whatever gets me first pick
6. The Turtle - Texas
7. Calbatross - LA
8. Mark Siebert - KS
9. Terry101-NM
10. Jason Clinkscales - MA
11. Jamesgang77 - Pennsylvania
12. durantjerry
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Hello, Jerry

Postby TomSiebert » Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:46 pm

Pick a state to determine your spot in the draft. As soon as you do, we can set this puppy up and start drafting....Monday?

And to refer back to Al's query: Yes, this will be a 16 round draft, with 15 players and unique stadium, the final ten autodrafted.

Good to have you, Jerry! Thanks for stepping up!

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New Thread Started in Indv. League Chat

Postby TomSiebert » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:54 am

Double-007 League is the name. Here's the direct link:

As soon as durantjerry picks a state, we can get the draft rolling. Has anybody else checked our old drafting spot to see if it's up with the new players?

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Postby The Turtle » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:37 pm

I checked and it was not
The Turtle
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:19 pm

. Tom Siebert - N.J.
2. Al Hogg - Fla. Cash 3
3. Curt Alliaume -- Illinois (PM)
4. he's meat - ca.
5. BED (SGT D) - NY (PM or AM, Whatever gets me first pick
6. The Turtle - Texas
7. Calbatross - LA
8. Mark Siebert - KS
9. Terry101-NM
10. Jason Clinkscales - MA
11. Jamesgang77 - Pennsylvania
12. durantjerry -DC

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Postby The Turtle » Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:20 am

. Tom Siebert - N.J. (984)
2. Al Hogg - Fla. Cash 3 (772)
3. Curt Alliaume -- Illinois (PM) (818)
4. he's meat - ca. (158)
5. BED (SGT D) - NY (332)
6. The Turtle - Texas (522)
7. Calbatross - LA (217)
8. Mark Siebert - KS (710)
9. Terry101-NM (517)
10. Jason Clinkscales - MA - has no pick 3 (first three numbers of pick 4 are 442)
11. Jamesgang77 - Pennsylvania (113)
12. durantjerry -DC (366)

Draft Order

1. Jamesgang77
2. He's Meat
3. Calbatross
4. BED
5. Durantjerry
6. Jason Clinkscales
7. Terry 101
8. The Turtle
9. Mark Siebert
10.Al Hogg
11. Curt Alliaume
12. Tom Siebert
The Turtle
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Thanks, Turtle.....

Postby TomSiebert » Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:16 pm

Other than I've got the last draft spot....

Here's the link to the new chat spot in Individual League chat, if people will meet over there now, please:

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