by Ducapa » Mon May 19, 2008 5:08 pm
Please compile your teams overall 2007 record and add it next to you name so we can determine draft order for 1 round FA draft.
As for Stadiums, pick one of your two teams stadiums.
1. Ducapa - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
2. Frank M - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
3. djl3737- albany,ny - NY Mets, Redsox
4. Detroit BC - Detroit, MI - Tigers, Chicago
5. misterg -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers
6. bobm1007 - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds
7. geekor - LA Angels, Rockies
8. Madigan -Cleveland, Pittsburgh
9. charliewb - San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
10. Emart - Oakland - Athletics, Dodgers
11. akindian - Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
12. splinter - Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays