Hey Big Apple Fans....

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:38 pm

I am not a complainer, but even the Yankee fans know that was B.S. That was the umpires being to chicken sh*t to make the right call in front of all those Yankee fans.
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Postby GREGGZILIANI » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:39 pm

LOL. Do you even KNOW the rule? The ball hit IN the stands, which by rule means that the fielder has absolutely no claim to the ball:

[i:48dc29eb50]OBR 3.16 - No interference shall be allowed when a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, rope or into a stand to catch a ball. He does so at his own risk.[/i:48dc29eb50]

If you watched the play, the fans didn't interfere with the ball. In fact it bounced on the yellow part of the wall without deflection. The umps got it right even if it took too long to make the final decision.

That isn't the homer in me rmilter, its the umpire.
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Love Baseball?

Postby chasenally » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:42 pm

Then how can you hate the Yankees? They carry smaller market teams so you can watch a game in Pittsburg, Milwaukee, Kanas City, Minnesota, and you get the idea. The Indians stunk so bad for so long they made a movie about them. Mike
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:51 pm

If that was not fan interference then I am Babe Ruth. Yes I know the rule, so do the sportswriters and players. Read the New York times, even the Yankees and their beat writers know that that ball was not a HR for at LEAST 2 different reasons.

1. The ball never left the field.
2. The fan's glove interfered with Trever Crowe's glove.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:32 am

Major Deegan pointed out this rule:[quote:e071fdfbfb]
OBR 3.16 - No interference shall be allowed when a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, rope or into a stand to catch a ball. He does so at his own risk.

There is only one problem with that explanation;. Trevor Crowe's glove did not reach OVER the fence. It was a clear cut, fan interference. Plain and simple. And not only that but the ball NEVER cleared the fence,....EVER.

But it is just business as usual, and blaming loses on umpires is not going to get you anywhere. The game should never be decided by the umpires. Both from the losing team's perspective, and the fan's perspective.

For the poster who thinks the Yankees, "Carry" small market teams, that is utterly ridiculous. And even if it were true,....or partly true, what does it mean;... that the Yankees should be given opportunities that other franchises do not receive????

Furthermore, do the New York teams carry the NFL? Or the NBA? Of course not. Even if New York has the largest fan base, it is not larger than all the other teams put together,....is it? There are way more small market teams, and fans than the Yankees. Without those teams and their fans having a chance, or a fair shake, or hope, the sport will collapse.

Being a capitalist society does NOT mean capitalism is the ONLY thing that matters. MLB is a business(of course) but so is the NFL, and TINY market teams like Green Bay, Pittsburgh, and Seattle successfully compete and the league still flourishes. All because of a salary cap, and an eye towards fairness, and parity. MLB better take notice, before it is too late. And if this present economy has taught anyone anything it is that; no business is immune from failure. And rules and regulations are needed to keep the playing field level. Because when everyone can share in success, instead of just a few of the privileged, it works best for all parties in the long run.
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Postby keyzick » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:36 am

Why is anyone blaming the Yankees for running there team the way they do? They have a huge bank roll, and they invest it in their players to put the best possible product they can on the field. They do it all within the rules and regulations of the game. Does anyone expect them to curtail their spending just so everyone else feels good? Say they cut their payroll by $100M, then everyone would be crucifying them for making such a big profit and not spending it on their team. I say, if you got it, then spend it.

Like someone else wrote earlier, don't hate the player, hate the game.

And for the record, I'm a Yankee-hater (cause I'm a die-hard Red Sox fan, so it's a federal law that I must hate the Yankees! :wink: )

I DO wish their were more parity in payrolls though. When the Sox first won in '04, I have to admit that after all the elation wore off from breaking "The Curse", I was slightly bummed about the advantages the Red Sox have in payroll too.

Again - the rules of the game would have to change though, and until that time, the teams with money, and willing to spend it, should do just that.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:37 pm

Who IS blaming the Yankees?? If you read my posts I put the onus squarely on MLB's shoulders for not having a salary cap? I do not think the Yankees are too blame,...at all! They are just incredibly incompetent! In fact about as incompetent as a team has been in the history of sports. Every time they fail to win 120 plus games and a World Series Title it is the equivalent of the Ohio State Buckeyes football team losing to Ohio University, Or USC losing to a Community College. The difference in money spent on players is astronomical in almost every case. I know STAT is not REAL, but can you imagine having 2-5 times as much to spend on players as your opponents and not winning 120 games, and a championship??? You would be the laughing stock of TSN Strat-O-Matic. I do not blame or hate Yankees, in fact I pity them, and their fans. Especially the Wall Street types and their 2500 dollar tickets. Arriving in the 3rd inning and leaving by the 6th,...if the Yankees are losing, which has been at least half the time. The Indians dropped almost 40 runs on the Yanks in their first ever series at their new park. How embarrassing indeed! If only Georgie boy were together enough to know what was going on,.......would Girardo be fired already??? It is anyone's guess. I guess it is all up to the rich man's son,... now. No excuses,.....right?
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Postby keyzick » Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:55 pm

OK, glad you're not blaming them.

Always happy to make fun of them though! :D
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Postby chasenally » Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:23 pm

Thought you were talking about the Dodgers there for a second when you said the fans show up late and leave early, then I read about the payroll and that isn't the Dodgers. The rest of your post, rmiter reads like pure jealousy though. Mike :roll:
P.S. I haven't followed baseball since Ricky Henderson (at $3MIL) complained that Jack Clark was making $3.3MIL. So I guess I don't have a dog in this fight.
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Yankees Beat By Bugs!

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:11 pm

Jealous? OF WHAT? Last time I checked The last time the Yankees made the playoffs the Indians beat them like they were their daddy 3 games to 1. And then the Yankees and their fans were complaining and blaming the loss on BUGS????? Are you freaking kidding me? I have never heard of even a Little League team blaming a loss on bugs. And I have played on, coached, and watched many Little League games. Bugs.?? I hope the Yankees make the playoffs this year,.. so the Indians have someone to beat on(see box scoreS 24-4, 22-0, 15-2). Just tell those Yankee players to watch out for the gnats, they can really kill a season,....or at least THEIR season.

ps. You people keep talking about me(or us) hating on the Yanks or being jealous of their success. What success??????? Past championships are just that, IN THE PAST. What have they done lately except make history for getting their butts kicked worse than any other Yankee team EVER. And by a team that spends about 25% of what they spend. I think New York should rename their team to be the "Ostriches" because if these embarrassing things keep happening they will want to burry their heads in the sand!
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