by RICHARDMILTER » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:32 am
Major Deegan pointed out this rule:[quote:e071fdfbfb]
OBR 3.16 - No interference shall be allowed when a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, rope or into a stand to catch a ball. He does so at his own risk.
There is only one problem with that explanation;. Trevor Crowe's glove did not reach OVER the fence. It was a clear cut, fan interference. Plain and simple. And not only that but the ball NEVER cleared the fence,....EVER.
But it is just business as usual, and blaming loses on umpires is not going to get you anywhere. The game should never be decided by the umpires. Both from the losing team's perspective, and the fan's perspective.
For the poster who thinks the Yankees, "Carry" small market teams, that is utterly ridiculous. And even if it were true,....or partly true, what does it mean;... that the Yankees should be given opportunities that other franchises do not receive????
Furthermore, do the New York teams carry the NFL? Or the NBA? Of course not. Even if New York has the largest fan base, it is not larger than all the other teams put together, it? There are way more small market teams, and fans than the Yankees. Without those teams and their fans having a chance, or a fair shake, or hope, the sport will collapse.
Being a capitalist society does NOT mean capitalism is the ONLY thing that matters. MLB is a business(of course) but so is the NFL, and TINY market teams like Green Bay, Pittsburgh, and Seattle successfully compete and the league still flourishes. All because of a salary cap, and an eye towards fairness, and parity. MLB better take notice, before it is too late. And if this present economy has taught anyone anything it is that; no business is immune from failure. And rules and regulations are needed to keep the playing field level. Because when everyone can share in success, instead of just a few of the privileged, it works best for all parties in the long run.