transition info/FAQ

Postby travelingjack » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:47 pm

I think a better analogy than selling shoes would be something we have all seen- the retail/rental car/airline/ etc. employee who is overworked because the company does not want to hire more employees. We don't really know how competent Bernie is, sure there have been some glitches and things that should have been handled a bit better but overall it's not that bad (at least to me). I don't think it's fair to question his competence based on what little knowledge we have of the situation.

[b:00066bef49]ehlekev[/b:00066bef49]- I agree with you that long-time customers deserve some latitude and maybe to be heard a little louder than newbies both because of the money spent and greater knowledge but telling those with one or two stars to shush did sound snobbish. They still deserve to be heard. Probably was not your intention but comments like this [quote:00066bef49]Nevdully can say what he wants. You guys with one, two, or three stars......shhhhhhhh
[/quote:00066bef49] are a good way to drive away new players. I have seen a lot of your posts and know you are usually not an agitator but that comment was a bit over the top, at least to me.
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Postby nevdully's » Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:50 pm

I liked it
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Postby rossarino » Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:04 pm

I just read a piece which states research shows people who are content with what they have are the happiest. I have to be content to know that Bernie is doing his best to get the game back online as quickly as he can. Otherwise I'm going to need that straitjacket that was mentioned in an earlier post. :D That being said I also agree with those who've said "under promise, over deliver" which is standard operating procedure for most successful businesses.
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Postby nevdully's » Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:09 pm

And true I don't know squat about IT or many behind the scene things here BUT I do know a lot about customer service and this place has a l-o-n-g history of inconsistent customer service and poor customer related decision making....And contrary to what some may think it's not just from Petrosian and I....

Now it's not "always" poor customer service or poor decisions. I said inconsistent.....but when running a small niche market business, inconsistent isn't very good (imo)
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Postby rossarino » Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:33 pm

I have to admit I was disappointed by the delay in waivers. I just checked the league directory and people are still signing up. Perhaps SOM management and TSN before them understand we have no where else to go and are allocating the minimum resources necessary?
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Postby The Last Druid » Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:40 pm

From what I've seen over the past 40 years, Strat -O- Matic's customer service makes TSN's look professional. I think the shyte is just beginning to hit the fan with the game. Stay tuned.

And as for Bernie's lengthy missive I should point out that I only called him a slacker before the move and only incompetent after the move. Never actually called him an incompetent slacker per se. I don't think that he has been slacking the past few months. But I do think there was major slacking over the previous 6-7 years at times and I still think that tends to be his baseline when not in crisis mode -- which clearly he has with the transition over the past few months.

Never said he was incompetent before the launch delay this week. But I think a prudent person responsible for all that he is responsible for would have focused his primary efforts on just getting the game to work properly on the new site and only then spend the months that he did working on the various upgrades which, if and when they get functional, are good things. But not the top priority. I think also it would be prudent to ask for feedback before introducing stuff like the new eyestrain inducing features. But also behind my recent comment re competence was thinking of all the balls that have been dropped over the years only the latest of which was the delayed launch and the unclaimed credits being in limbo, the persistent issues with delayed communication or non-communication, the utter failure of pricing the live drafts and finally their complete cessation. If Adrian/MajorDeegan/Penngray could create a live draft site with salaries, it still boggles my mind that the game's programmer can't and couldn't have asked for help from several community members who have demonstrated the ability to do such things. I understand this is supposed to be addressed by bringing on board an adjunct programmer but I think it is more likely that Bernie will be left holding the bag.

Bernie thinks I hate him but I don't. Compared to Schimpf or Ward, I think Bernie's a great guy. I just question his output and track record. So shoot me.
Last edited by The Last Druid on Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Last Druid
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Postby Knerrpool » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:10 pm

Guys, this is not Augusta National. This is Elks Lodge #357. We are dues paying members who have hired Bernie to develop our game. And, we're lucky we have a company willing to host our game. I couldn't tell you if Bernie was the most technically proficient person we could have hired, but I can say he's probably the most dedicated (see recent health issues). Why not sit back and give it a little time?
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:19 pm

So, are games running after midnight tonight or after midnight tomorrow night?
PJ Axelsson
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Postby Knerrpool » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:24 pm

I think it is midnight tomorrow.
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:29 pm

Can't take that chance, got a team with too many unresolved player/personnel decisions. Gonna figure it out as if we play tonight.
PJ Axelsson
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