Dunk Jeepdriver: We're Full!!

Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:43 am

Hargh, Hargh, Hargh :D

Attsa :!: spirit Stoney

Jeep-sa-gonna-dunked on now :twisted: :twisted: :P
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:40 am

OK, I am just getting acquainted with Jeep and I'm personally coming up on 100 teams. I can't imagine having twice as many!! :shock: :shock:
I know most of the guys in this league, so count me in. I don't really understand the rules yet, but if I recall, I have to play a Jeep in Centerfield or something like that. I don't know.
:? :? :?
Dunk Jeep League

1. Cummings2
2. Chocolates
3. ARay0113
4. Bunbury
5. ArrylT
6. BD Bruisers (Holden Jackaroos)
7. Stoney18
8. Ehlekev
200. Jeep (Mr. Bi-Centennial soon to be dunked on)

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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:52 am

Yavol! Welcome aboard Kev, Yep, as it stands you have play a Jeep in CF but if you have a nifty hybrid you get to use it as a switch hitter :shock:

Only 3 to go boyos...getting ready to get slammed Jeep?

BTW, rules are pretty simple:

-Once we fill up, Jeep will choose his division foes.

-All teams are named after you SUV of choice

-Points are awarded for sweeps/series wins vs. the Dunkee (The Jeepster)

-You have to have a wild card (player out of position)

-I think that's it, right?
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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:23 pm

Yep I believe that's it. And yes, it's pretty simple. I will volunteer to keep up with the points total, don't let that hinder you from joining. IOW, no extra work at all for anyone, just to try and Dunk me. :wink:
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Point System

Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:31 pm

BTW...Here's the Point System:

[b:cb1ede1e76]Points for a win vs. Me: [/b:cb1ede1e76]
In Division=1 point
Out of Div=3 points

[b:cb1ede1e76]For a loss vs. Me:[/b:cb1ede1e76]
In Division=minus 1 point
Out of Div=minus 3 points

[b:cb1ede1e76]Bonus Points for a Shutout:[/b:cb1ede1e76]
In Division=2 points
Out of Div=6 points

Points for a Dunk (Sweep)
In Division=4 points
Out of Division=12 points

OK that should cover things. I am basing the above scoring on the fact we play 3 times the number of games In Division. Please inform me if that's not right.

Also note: I'll keep up with the points. So no extra work for you all. :)
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:46 pm

Actually Jeep. You play your division mates 24 times each. You play the other 8 teams 12 times each (except for 2 teams you will play 9 games each). I would say that a 2 to 1 ratio is more accurate. 8)

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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:41 pm

Thanks Kev, ok we'll change it:

[b:091c306e65]Points for a win vs. Me: [/b:091c306e65]
In Division=1 point
Out of Div=2 points

[b:091c306e65]For a loss vs. Me:[/b:091c306e65]
In Division=minus 1 point
Out of Div=minus 2 points

[b:091c306e65]Bonus Points for a Shutout:[/b:091c306e65]
In Division=2 points
Out of Div=4 points
*minus points if I shutout you

[b:091c306e65]Points for a Dunk (Sweep) [/b:091c306e65]
In Division=6 points
Out of Division=12 points
*minus points if I dunk you

Note: The two teams I play 9 times we'll pro-rate the points so that it works out.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:47 pm

Jeep, you need more enemies!! They should be lining up to take you down in this league. Over the 200 teams you've had, you must have beaten down some owners consistently!! They should be here trying to dismantle a Jeep. Maybe I'll go spread some bad rumors about you like telling some of the veterans that you think they are over-rated or something!! 8)

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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:25 am

C'mon guys...take your 06 frustrations out on the Jeepster :P
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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:14 pm

I [i:1babf8b23f]know[/i:1babf8b23f] there's a few other people I have beaten pretty good, not many, but a few. :wink:

Anywho, this doesn't look like it's getting off the ground. Perhaps just turn this into a standard AD league, with the "only" theme an SUV team name??
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