by jpgavin » Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:42 pm
There will be waivers and a free agent drop/add period. as far as the other issues, since not everyone is likely to check back on this thread (if they've already entered the league) I figured we could vote on/discuss some of those things once the league starts.
things to think about:
1. trades - I'm ok with it (maybe we'll finally see that williams for dimaggio trade)
2. Adding another team for each team, and if we decide to do it, how do we decide who gets first choice?
3. the yankees are currently in with 4 years. do we keep that limitation?
4. What if we decide to have trades, and during the season two teams want to trade, but one of the players is actually a free agent. eg. the yankees and redsox want to trade dimaggio and williams but dimaggio is a free agent because the yankees are using mantle. Do the yankees then have to pick up dimaggio and drop some one else (and incur the free agent penalty) to make the trade, or can they just announce to the league that they are trading the rights to dimaggio and let the redsox incur the free agent penalty?
5. I picked up a fourth team since there were only three teams linked to the senators. we should make sure everyone is ok with that.