New Franchise Theme League * League Full* see last post

OK... back to where we started with a few questions?

Postby 2cityfan » Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:54 pm

OK thanks Vince.. that helps alot... and I am totally on board with going back to the original intent of the league.. (free agents are restricted to the 6 Open Teams Only... now I have never done a live draft before, and I am open to it, just a little worried it can get time consuming and hard to coordinate... can you help us through the details on how to execute it?


I agree with your concern regarding the autodraft... but what about using the autodraft... with the direction being you must use at least 20 franchise players + no more than 5 free agents...going in.. if you get a player from another franchise from HAL you must drop them back to the free agent pool.. During waivers we all get a shot at any open players from the free agent pool...(there probably will not be that many great choices through waivers) by the time the season starts we will all meet the roster requirement.. I think this will get us to the same place faster...
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Postby gstanis » Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:36 pm

Lets do the autodraft. Everyone drafts their teams using only their players. We let the computer decide who gets the first waiver pick. Run thru waivers droping and picking up your free agents. Then its open game on free agents. Our initial draft should be 25 players from your own two teams.

wwetz is right. I'm winning this league so anyway you want it is fine with me :)

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Postby jcmoney04 » Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:54 pm

[quote:c1552fa5dd="gstanis"]Lets do the autodraft. Everyone drafts their teams using only their players. We let the computer decide who gets the first waiver pick. Run thru waivers droping and picking up your free agents. Then its open game on free agents. Our initial draft should be 25 players from your own two teams.[/quote:c1552fa5dd]
I like this and just like 2cityfan said as well it will get us to the same place faster.

I guess the problem with that is if you're not around at 5pm the day that free agency begins then you could end up with nobody you want. That's why the four or five round live forum draft would work too.

I'm fine with either one.
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Postby bbasebrawl » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:04 pm

[quote:d7e6807695="vince0501"]This is what I thought we were doing.

1. Exclusive player rights to all players on our 2 franchise teams. These players were not available to any other team whether or not they were on our active team. Essentially they would be our minor leagues.

2. We would have a lottery to determine the draft order for a 5 or 6 round draft of the open team players.

3. Trades would be allowed as long as the minimum number of players from our franchise teams were kept on our active roster.

The other problem with an auto draft in this kind of league is you will have unfair draft results. For example, someone picks Pujols number 1 and does not get him. Instead Hal gives him Morneau, because I did not draft him. Morneau still belongs to me, and he does not get his number 1 pick nor his alternate. For that reason I think we have to do a live draft.

I would suggest a four round draft. That should cover most of the best options from the leftover teams. Everyone make sure they have 21 players from their franchise teams, plus the 4 draft picks on their auto draft list. After the draft you can make adjustments, and pick up anybody not on a franchise team. And you can get to the minimum 19 if you wish.[/quote:d7e6807695]

I have to agree with Vince on this one (live draft) , or if you use autodraft then draft as many players as one likes from the free agent pool but before league does the waivers each team would need to drop any player amount over five to be in compliance of the league rule of only 5-players from the unassigned teams....By doing this at least one would be eligible for players that they possibly missed out on if another team drafted player before them...
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Postby Jack377 » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:17 pm

I'm fine however we do it as long as it's the same for everyone but I'll weigh in with an opinion. I think it would be much fairer and more straightforward to do a short 4 or 5 round draft of the FAs.
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Postby vince0501 » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:18 pm

I think a live draft of only four rounds with a 3 hour time limit would not take that long. We only have 130 or so players to choose from.

That being said, if everyone is willing to take their chances on the auto-draft, drop any players from franchise teams, and take their chances on waivers I'm ok with it. Blowing a free credit anyway.

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OK .. Live Draft

Postby 2cityfan » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:48 pm

OK lets try to do a live draft for rights to the free agents of the 6 open franchsies.. Please let me know when you guys want to do it.

I have never done one of these before so please help me out on the details and best practices.. I assume we can use this discussion thread for our selections... If we cannot get the live draft executed, then I suggest we go with option B.. use the autodraft with the stipulations we discussed.

Assuming we go with the live draft, below are the pick-3 state lotteries that will be used to set the order of the live draft, from It's too late for me to use tonight's lottery picks, so we will use Wednesday, 6/20 results.. Draft order highest to lowest... 1 - 12, #12 gets 2 picks and we then go from 11 to 1 .. you get the idea.. in theory we need 5 rounds, but you can drop out early once you get every player your interested in.. with this settled we will start the league and everyone will know exactly which players they have rights too.. no overlaps for autodraft.. I will select frenzy, no need for waivers since no 2 teams will have a claim to the same player..

1. New York ( Yankees + Mets) -djl3737 -New York Midday #'s
2. Chicago (Cubs + White Sox) - 2cityfan -Illinois Midday 3
3. LA ( Dodgers + Angels) - Frank M - California Daily 3
4. N. Cal (A's + Giants) - Jack377 - California Midday 3
5. Florida (Tampa Bay + Marlins)gstanis - Florida Cash 3
6. Texas ( Astros + Rangers) -misterg78582 - Texas Pick 3
7. Wash DC (Orioles + Nationals) bbasebrawl - Wash DC Lucky 3
8. Pennsylvania (Phillies + Pirates) wwwetz - PA Daily 3#
9. Ohio (Indians + Reds) -buster j ratt - Ohio Pick 3
10. Michigan (Tigers + Blue Jays) - jcmoney04 - Michigan Daily 3
11. ATL/Bost (Red Sox + Braves) - Al E. Bear - Georgia Cash 3
12. Minn-Wisconsin (Twins + Brewers) -Vince0501 - Wisconsin Daily 3

What do you guys think?
Last edited by 2cityfan on Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby bbasebrawl » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:57 pm

I am available anytime, so just say when........
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:13 pm

Guys you have to use a LIVE draft with the undrafted teams. When only using the teams we drafted. How you enter will determine the order of waivers when you leave it up to the computer. I have been in leagues where waivers were accidently use when it was supposed to be a frenzy. Everyone noticed how you entered, was how waivers was set. By using the randomizer we can determine draft order and divisions. We use the teams we picked for our draft #. The randomizer runs the #'s 1 to 12 and we have draft postions. If everyone agrees I can run the #'s.

1. New York ( Yankees + Mets) -djl3737
2. Chicago (Cubs + White Sox) - 2cityfan
3. LA ( Dodgers + Angels) - Frank M
4. N. Cal (A's + Giants) - Jack
5. Florida (Tampa Bay + Marlins)gstanis
6. Texas ( Astros + Rangers) -misterg78582
7. Wash DC (Orioles + Nationals) bbasebrawl
8. Pennsylvania (Phillies + Pirates) wwwetz
9. Ohio (Indians + Reds) -buster j ratt
10. Michigan (Tigers + Blue Jays) - jcmoney04
11. ATL/Bost (Red Sox + Braves) - Al E. Bear
12. Minn-Wisconsin (Twins + Brewers) -Vince0501

Open Teams for Free Agent Pool = San Diego, Arizona, Seattle, St. Louis, Kansas City, Colorado
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Postby buster j ratt » Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:18 pm

I,m gone all day If there is 3 hr time limit for me to draft I can't do it I do other live drafts They slo down and speed up but we get it done
How about my ATG alternative Draft only your players Trading allowed 20 fran min. Everybody FA after 1st 3 games not before You lose $$$ or manage your money to pick someone up Whatever I am against Auto Draft with open season on the 6 team Someone will get royally screwed!!!!!!
buster j ratt
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