by 2cityfan » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:48 pm
OK lets try to do a live draft for rights to the free agents of the 6 open franchsies.. Please let me know when you guys want to do it.
I have never done one of these before so please help me out on the details and best practices.. I assume we can use this discussion thread for our selections... If we cannot get the live draft executed, then I suggest we go with option B.. use the autodraft with the stipulations we discussed.
Assuming we go with the live draft, below are the pick-3 state lotteries that will be used to set the order of the live draft, from It's too late for me to use tonight's lottery picks, so we will use Wednesday, 6/20 results.. Draft order highest to lowest... 1 - 12, #12 gets 2 picks and we then go from 11 to 1 .. you get the idea.. in theory we need 5 rounds, but you can drop out early once you get every player your interested in.. with this settled we will start the league and everyone will know exactly which players they have rights too.. no overlaps for autodraft.. I will select frenzy, no need for waivers since no 2 teams will have a claim to the same player..
1. New York ( Yankees + Mets) -djl3737 -New York Midday #'s
2. Chicago (Cubs + White Sox) - 2cityfan -Illinois Midday 3
3. LA ( Dodgers + Angels) - Frank M - California Daily 3
4. N. Cal (A's + Giants) - Jack377 - California Midday 3
5. Florida (Tampa Bay + Marlins)gstanis - Florida Cash 3
6. Texas ( Astros + Rangers) -misterg78582 - Texas Pick 3
7. Wash DC (Orioles + Nationals) bbasebrawl - Wash DC Lucky 3
8. Pennsylvania (Phillies + Pirates) wwwetz - PA Daily 3#
9. Ohio (Indians + Reds) -buster j ratt - Ohio Pick 3
10. Michigan (Tigers + Blue Jays) - jcmoney04 - Michigan Daily 3
11. ATL/Bost (Red Sox + Braves) - Al E. Bear - Georgia Cash 3
12. Minn-Wisconsin (Twins + Brewers) -Vince0501 - Wisconsin Daily 3
What do you guys think?
Last edited by
2cityfan on Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.