Real Teams

Postby Page2 » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:33 am


Looks like we are full I will figure out the divisions based on records and hopefully we will be playing soon.

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Postby Page2 » Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:43 am

[b:82a1023b99]Attention enter Real Teams 2007 Part 2, when I was sitting up the league I clicked on the wrong button. Be sure to enter Real Teams 2007 Part 2[/b:82a1023b99]

Hi Guys,

Here are the teams with their records ties were broken by playoff seeding and run diff. Divisions are 1-12, 6-7
2-11, 5-8
3-10, 4-9

Indians 96
Redsox 96
Yankees 94
Angels 94
Rockies 90
Phillies 89
Padres 89
Mets 88
Tigers 88
Cubs 85
Braves 84
Brewers 83

West: Redsox, Brewers, Phillies & Padres
Central: Indians, Braves, Rockies, & Tigers
East: Angels, Yankees, Mets, & Cubs

Password is 2007

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Postby JAMESZIMMER » Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:04 am

The Cubbies are in.
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:36 am

can you clarify the roster and salary rules one last time for everyone?
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Postby Page2 » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:11 am

Hi Klx22,

1. You must keep 20 players from your base team at all times during the season.
2. $80 mil. cap.
3. You can spend up to $2 mil. on any player. You can have more than one of these players on your team.
4. You can spend up to $4 mil. on a player that used to play for your team. You can have more than one of these players on your team.
5. Play in your teams stadium.

Check my first post on the subject for the complete list.

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Postby lorenzolinh » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:13 am

I'm unsure about roster, as well. I understand about the 20 base team minimum, but...

The two former base team players, at <2mil and <4 mil (in my case, Angels), would have to NOT be on another league team's 2007 roster, correct?

And the other two to five players could be ANY PRICE, so long as they are free agents, correct?

Finally, please mail me the password again, as I've managed to lose it somehow.
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Postby lorenzolinh » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:20 am

O.K., I think I got it.

AT LEAST TWENTY 2007 base team players at any price.

NO MORE THAN ONE former base team player (at under 4 mil).

REMAINING players must be from non-rostered, free agent pool (at under 2 mil each).

Just need clarification that the "former base team player" must not be rostered to any other 2007 league team.

And, I need that password. :oops:
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Postby Page2 » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:38 am

Hi lorenzolinh,

Your a little off you can have more than one player that used to play for your team and spend up to $4 mil. to get them. If a player didn't play for your team you can have more than one of those but you can only spend up to $2 mil. for those. I pm'ed you the password posted here and its 2007.

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Angels in

Postby lorenzolinh » Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:50 pm

Angels are in, and one more question:

Are ex-base team players available if they cost exactly 4.00 mil?
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Re: Angels in

Postby KEITHLAMONT » Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:02 pm

[quote:c11f488914="lorenzolinh"]Angels are in, and one more question:

Are ex-base team players available if they cost exactly 4.00 mil?[/quote:c11f488914]

No they just cant cost any more than 4 million.
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