Hey Big Apple Fans....

Yankees Need A New Defensive Coordinator

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:29 am

The Yankees are giving up several touchdowns a game at least once a week. Maybe they could get Bill Parcells to come out of retirement and coach the defense. I bet if their tackling was better,.. teams would score less points on them. My question is; who's defense is going to give up more points per game this year the Yankees, or the Jets?
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:05 am

Thank You for continueing proving my POINT!!!!! Win/Lose/Get Blown Out/Spend Money or whatever the Yankees may or may not do. People who HATE them or LOVE them CAN NOT STOP talking about them.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:34 pm

Mark Sanchez???? You are kidding ,....right? Yankee fans never cease to amaze me with their stupidity and their spoiled behavior. I had a real good laugh when I heard Yankee fans clamoring for Grady Sizemore,....dream on fellas, dream on! And how about Yankee fan wanting to run Robinson Cano out of town, after last year? Could there be a dumber sentiment? Cano is an all-star, pure and simple, yet Yankee fan was not satisfied. Boo hoo. Looks like you have another 300 million dollar jalopy again this year. How humiliating to get swept yet again by your arch rival Red Soxs. Hang in there Yankee fan, you will get to see QB Mark Sanchez sooner than you think.
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Postby thisisray » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:02 pm

Since when has a season been decided on 18-20 games?
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Cajun Man

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:53 am

Cajun Man is in New Orleans for,"Jazz Heritage Festival".
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Postby MFL536 » Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:20 am

nice to see the tone quieted down.I'll start out by saying I am a yankee fan and have been for my whole life.my first memory of baseball was the 1962 season when I was 7 years old.I love baseball,but like everyone else
I hate the way the money has ruined it.I still enjoy when a young Yankee player such as Phil Hughes plays well that is the way baseball should be,develope your young players.I am not against free agency but there should be a salary cap in baseball like the other sports,however it probably will never happen.I have been lucky that my 3 children have followed me in that they love baseball also and we have enjoyed many baseball trips together as well as going to our AAA team here in Buffalo.It is fun to watch a lot of the Indians players in the majors do well we saw a lot of them come thru Buffalo.we try and make it to Cleveland at least 2 times every summer for a game quick trip less than 3 hours.we are a house divided in nterms of the teams we like my oldest son is a mets fan,my daughter is a yankees fan,and my youngest son is a Indians fan so he has the bragging rights for awhile since the Indians won game #1 at the new stadium and that 22-4 drubbing .we try to go to at least 1 stadium each year that we have never been at,last year it was shea,this year it will be the Phillies in August,might also make it over to Detroit
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