What Barry Bonds Should Do After #754 (o/t)

Postby teamnasty » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:24 pm

I'm getting to the point where I cannot wait for him to break the record. I love the thought of all you guys drowning in your own bile from hatred over it. I'm curious though, when Roger Clemens purposefully throws at a batter's head isn't he (1) committing a crime, perhpas one that is almost never enforced, like roids, and (2) gaining a competitive advantage by breaking both baseball and society's rules by doing so? I don't hear ANYONE ******** about Clemens, or Gibson, or Pedro, or Unit intimidating batters, all I hear are plaudits for how intensely competitive they are/were. It's a bogus thing to pile on Barry, absolutely bogus. I hope he hits it across the bay.
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Postby teamnasty » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:42 pm

Cobb played over 2100 games in center, his primary position throughout his career. Source: baseballreference.com. Too bad Griffey's "hustle" an on-field determination didn't translate to determination off of it, the guy's workout regimen was poor, he grew fat, and basically for 5-6 years sustains a major leg injury every time he "lifts his child while on a boat" or gets out of bed in the morning. Here's a thought; Edmonds had as good a peak as Griffey. I'm still lolling at "Mays is in Griffey's league". Can I have your dealer's number, cuz that must be some goooooood stuff.
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Postby generationm1 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:44 pm

Besides being a lier and a cheater, Bonds is a jackass, en dof story
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Postby teamnasty » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:53 pm

Awwww, what's a matter, he didn't sign an autograph for you because he was in a hurry to leave the stadium and spend some of the 15 million that he makes a year? Haters, that's all it is. The reasoning is this simple: I make 50 grand a year, he makes 15 mil, I'm envious of that (but it doesnt stop me from buying tickets) so the first time he displays a flaw I will join the mob and tear him down just to make me feel better about my common life. Sad, but true. Who cares if he's a jerk or not, is that honestly why you watch the games to get lessons on moral comportment? Ridiculous.
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Gettting a little Nasty...

Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:41 am

Not sure why this has turned so nasty TM....I am sorry if i have upset you with my referral to Griffey as being on par with Bonds during the height of his career (even tho stats show he clearly was). Bonds hit the majority of his HRs after the age of 35. (253 I believe is the #) Which is staggering, and at the same time is the reason so much question has been raised about how he went about it of course.

What I should have said is Griffey is in Mays league (as an all around player during the height of his career), not the other way around...I apologize.

Bonds broke the record, so congrats. Until someone can prove he cheated, he is the undisputed HR king. I have said it before, and will say it again, even before his alleged steroid use, he was a sure fire HOF. It is a shame that so much talented is wrapped up into such a pompous, arrogant human being. I think that we like our sports hero's great AND humble. He certainly is the former, and certainly not the latter. But love him or hate him, he was and remains an immense talent, perhaps the most talented hitter the game has ever seen.

So Congrats on your hero's accomplishment TM..... :)
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Postby teamnasty » Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:25 pm

Thanks. Its not intended as nasty sorry. That's just my user id. I enjoy the debate. And to be honest, Griffey's year this year is unexpected dominance. Good luck in strat.
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Postby teamnasty » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:28 pm

fyi-Bonds has 8 gold gloves not 2.
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:29 pm

You are correct, he has 8 total, 7 in the time period between 1992-2000. But you must admit, LF does not get near the chances, or is anywhere near as demanding a position as CF. Still, he was a great fielder in his earlier years...I stand corrected! :oops: :wink:
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Postby teamnasty » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:40 pm

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Postby CATom » Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:57 pm

hummmmmmmm - i wonder if Ruth drank beer during prohibition???? Also wonder if it was against BASEBALL rules to drink beer during the same period?? who really cares ----> PULL THE RECORDS :lol: (at least "asterik" them) :shock:

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