by CHARLESBELL » Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:22 am
100 or $80 million cap?
100 preferred, 80 ok
Should you be able to move any of your original players? If so, dropping them or just trade them?
Trade to anyone, no dropping allowed
Waiver draft or FA frenzy?
Are any of these rule decisions "deal-breakers" for you (as in, you will not participate if the rule goes other than your vote)? If so, which ones?
Trading is hard enough to do without limiting it further to just an original team. Same with frenzy, which happens at 2pm my time when I'm working. Either would be a deal breaker for me, as I would not be able to field a competitive team based on my 2001 roster, so I'd back out and let someone else have a go that would have a better chance.