by teamnasty » Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:23 pm
Today reported that Terry Bradshaw admits doing steroids during the 1970's, with the predictable caveat that it was about injury recovery not performance enhancement. Somehow I suspect that there will not be an outcry on this site or others to take away the Steelers 4 championship rings or affix an asterik next to his statitstics or to boot him out of the hall of fame. And there are one of two reasons that you wont see such an outcry like you have with Bonds. One, its about likeability not whether roids affect performance negatively or positively....the roids give us a reason to attack those we already dont like. Or two, we have come to the point in the steroid debate where we dont assume it makes a great player into a great player, and that his accomplishments are still his own, a**hole or not. Either way I predict a far different public reaction to the two men's usage.