Am I on pace for the best '06 record yet,with my first team?

Postby spicki17 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:47 am

i have a few comments for you (keep in mind i cant access your team link from work so i am basing these comments off the lineups you have posted).

1. i dont like rebuilding an entire team (and losing 2-3 million on an ajones drop) during the season. i do think ajones is overpriced, but if you do draft him, you will especially be distracted by his poor offensive numbers because of his great defense. with a 1 range and -4 arm in cf, you wont see hafner-like numbers at the plate.

2. i dont know what your staff is like, but it does appear that santana is underperforming versus lefties (but who cares since he faces righties 70% of the time or more). may just be bad rolls or something, or a lot of big parks in the rest of your division.

3. ballpark ratings have way too much of an impact on this game. one guy who hits 350/500 in rogers can hit 300/400 in petco and 400/600 in coors. its just plain stupid that a park can account for roughly 300 ops points, but expect this going in to a petco team.

4. besides clark (im assuming tony clark) i am not very fond of your lineup. it doesnt seem that besides him and magglio that anyone can drive in runs. i mean i look through your lineup and there 1 good batter and only 2-3 other respectable hitters (in my mind). maybe if you are facing 80% lefty pitching you would be doing better. but having cano, redmond, agone, youk, lharris, and singleton against righties is totally unacceptable.

5. in addition, i dont think the batting is good enough to justify the poor defense. there is never any reason to get rid of ohud, especially for cano (whos terrible). if you are a petco team, i would go for better defense than this.

those are my 2 cents...hope it helps.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ahsbball05 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:07 pm

Thanks alot for your comments...I'm new to PetCo, a little more familiar/better with huge hitters parks...

1 - I just couldn't take those disgusting #'s, I know I could have spent the 9 mil better somewhere else, but I do hate losing that 1.8 million...

2 - Santana is facing 64% righties so hopefully that goes up a little bit, and Santana starts performing better against the lefties he does face.

3 - I didn't expect THIS huge of a change.... have 6 of my righty favored RHP starters OBPing .277 vs RHP is just sick, but I guess I wasn't ready for it.

4 - if you really LOOK at their cards (cano, harris, singleton, agonz) against RHP they aren't that horrible....definately not what you'd like, but cano is definately better then Hudson vs RHP, and Harris and singleton have a good amount of average. I definately didn't get enough power/XBH I guess.....I thought that TClark and AJones ridiculous amount of natural power would solve the problem, but it didn't work. ANY SUGGESTIONS on who I could add to help drive runs in? How is .244 .301 .327 hitting Redmond
[b:34460c2018]2nd[/b:34460c2018] on my team in RBI, behind clark, after mags even?

5 - I didn't get RID of Ohud, I COULD get rid of CANO for him....although Hudson really IS a slightly worse hitter vs RHP and after drops, not sure if the D and slight decrease in hitting + injury risk is work 2 mil......

What are your thoughts, who should i GET to try and fix this....I have 3.35 mil and 27 players (thought I would use McLouth over Singleton is hitters parks and Derosa over Garret Anderson in hitters parks) so I have cap room and can drop multiple players...
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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