Franchise theme League Draft open


Postby 2cityfan » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:04 pm

Please send the password via Private Message only... I will leave it to JC Money to create a PW and send it... He will have to create one for a private league
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Postby APS1 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:41 pm

4th Round
1. jack (Giants / A's - Jorge Julio RP Arizona
2. Al E Bear (Atl/ Bos) - [b:bb878005f3]S. Taguchi-OF-St. Louis[/b:bb878005f3]
3. misterg78582 (Hou/ Tex)
4. jcmoney (Detroit/Toronto)
5. bbasebrawl (Balt/Wash)
6. buster j (Clev/Cinci)
7. gstanis (Fla/ TB)
8. 2cityfan (ChiSox/Cubs)
9. Frank M (Dodgers/Angels)
10. djl3737 (NYY/NYM)
11. wwwetz (Phil/Pitt)
12. vince0501 (Min/Milw)
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Postby Misterg78582 » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:12 pm

4th Round
1. jack (Giants / A's - Jorge Julio RP Arizona
2. Al E Bear (Atl/ Bos) - S. Taguchi-OF-St. Louis
3. misterg78582 (Hou/ Tex) - John Buck KC
4. jcmoney (Detroit/Toronto)
5. bbasebrawl (Balt/Wash)
6. buster j (Clev/Cinci)
7. gstanis (Fla/ TB)
8. 2cityfan (ChiSox/Cubs)
9. Frank M (Dodgers/Angels)
10. djl3737 (NYY/NYM)
11. wwwetz (Phil/Pitt)
12. vince0501 (Min/Milw)
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Postby bbasebrawl » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:21 pm

4th Round
1. jack (Giants / A's - Jorge Julio RP Arizona
2. Al E Bear (Atl/ Bos) - S. Taguchi-OF-St. Louis
3. misterg78582 (Hou/ Tex) - John Buck KC
4. jcmoney (Detroit/Toronto)--PASS
5. bbasebrawl (Balt/Wash) -- Chris Young SP SD
6. buster j (Clev/Cinci)
7. gstanis (Fla/ TB)
8. 2cityfan (ChiSox/Cubs)
9. Frank M (Dodgers/Angels)
10. djl3737 (NYY/NYM)
11. wwwetz (Phil/Pitt)
12. vince0501 (Min/Milw)
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Postby buster j ratt » Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:04 am

4th Round
1. jack (Giants / A's - Jorge Julio RP Arizona
2. Al E Bear (Atl/ Bos) - S. Taguchi-OF-St. Louis
3. misterg78582 (Hou/ Tex) - John Buck KC
4. jcmoney (Detroit/Toronto)--PASS
5. bbasebrawl (Balt/Wash) -- Chris Young SP SD
6. buster j (Clev/Cinci) =Peston Wilson OF Cards
7. gstanis (Fla/ TB)
8. 2cityfan (ChiSox/Cubs)
9. Frank M (Dodgers/Angels)
10. djl3737 (NYY/NYM)
11. wwwetz (Phil/Pitt)

If Wilson was taken earlier and I missed it Then I pass so this can keep moving

buster j ratt
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Postby gstanis » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:51 am

4th Round
1. jack (Giants / A's - Jorge Julio RP Arizona
2. Al E Bear (Atl/ Bos) - S. Taguchi-OF-St. Louis
3. misterg78582 (Hou/ Tex) - John Buck KC
4. jcmoney (Detroit/Toronto)--PASS
5. bbasebrawl (Balt/Wash) -- Chris Young SP SD
6. buster j (Clev/Cinci) =Peston Wilson OF Cards
7. gstanis (Fla/ TB) Ramirez COL RP
8. 2cityfan (ChiSox/Cubs)
9. Frank M (Dodgers/Angels)
10. djl3737 (NYY/NYM)
11. wwwetz (Phil/Pitt)
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Postby 2cityfan » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:32 am

4th Round
1. jack (Giants / A's - Jorge Julio RP Arizona
2. Al E Bear (Atl/ Bos) - S. Taguchi-OF-St. Louis
3. misterg78582 (Hou/ Tex) - John Buck KC
4. jcmoney (Detroit/Toronto)--PASS
5. bbasebrawl (Balt/Wash) -- Chris Young SP SD
6. buster j (Clev/Cinci) =Peston Wilson OF Cards
7. gstanis (Fla/ TB) Ramirez COL RP
8. 2cityfan (ChiSox/Cubs) - A. Embree RP San Diego
9. Frank M (Dodgers/Angels)
10. djl3737 (NYY/NYM)
11. wwwetz (Phil/Pitt)
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Postby jcmoney04 » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:37 am

Okay, the league is set up as Region Challenge 1 and the settings are all right. The Toronto Tigers are in the East.

I sent the password to the other teams in the East: vince, Frank and buster

I also sent it to 2cityfan so he can pass it on to the rest of you when it's your time. I'm going to be away for much of the day, so I'll leave it up to him or one of the others to do that.
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Postby 2cityfan » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:42 am

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Question?? still not getting the divisional alignment

Postby 2cityfan » Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:29 am

From a previous thread.. if these are the Draft positions, how is JC Money in the East? He is team 9, I thought.. can someone fill in the gaps for me?




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