Hometown Theme League - Full

Postby the splinter » Tue May 20, 2008 1:49 pm

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays -[b:734ee092a2] Wainwright SP STL[/b:734ee092a2]
3. [b:734ee092a2]bobm1007[/b:734ee092a2] (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
8. Frank M- (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
the splinter
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue May 20, 2008 1:51 pm

you are killing me smalls!
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue May 20, 2008 2:39 pm

got no pitching, got no hitting. :x

my momma told me not to play in these kind of leagues!
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Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Tue May 20, 2008 3:22 pm

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - [b:6be92f4f7f]Pujols St L[/b:6be92f4f7f]
4.[b:6be92f4f7f] Emart [/b:6be92f4f7f]- (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
8. Frank M- (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
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Postby emart » Tue May 20, 2008 3:46 pm

Splinter - responded to your PM.

Sorry for the delay - busy day at work. I'll pick shortly.
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Postby Ducapa » Tue May 20, 2008 4:02 pm

Number was 35, that means geekor gets 11th pick

Posted: 20 May 2008 16:22 Post subject:


1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - [b:87b1e50347]Pujols St L[/b:87b1e50347]
4. [b:87b1e50347]Emart[/b:87b1e50347] - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
8. Frank M- (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
12. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
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Postby Ducapa » Tue May 20, 2008 4:05 pm

I'm looking for some SP and CLoser....have a plethora of OF to trade, not Rowand though.
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Postby emart » Tue May 20, 2008 4:17 pm

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - Pujols St L
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers - [b:57a8d10c22]T. Hunter - Min.[/b:57a8d10c22]
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats
8. Frank M- (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue May 20, 2008 4:21 pm

working on a trade. will pick as soon as i hear back.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue May 20, 2008 4:25 pm

we must fill out draft card with only players that belong to us correct?
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