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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:26 am
by johnsain
I'm rather new to this forum, so excuse me if this topic has been addressed before. I am wondering about the reasons for pitching injuries. If they are a feature of the game these injuries should have some kind of an impact, similiar to the other position players. Where are the injury ratings for pitchers? Hitter injuries play an important role in this game from the draft throughout the season and playoffs. No one gives pitchers injuries a second thought, ever. Every pitcher injury my teams have encountered hasn't even affected their usual spot in the rotation. I have seen where a team is short of starters and a reliever must start, but the few times I've seen this happen, it seems the reliever did better than the starter would've done. Are relievers starting this game with @ being hits from the start? I hope so, as this would be the realistic way to go. Actually the minimum starts an injured pitcher should miss is 1. At least 2 for relievers. Not only their normal rest times. That makes the injuries to pitchers largely redundant and irrelevant. I move for pitcher injury ratings. Everyone knows Kerry Wood and Mark Prior (if my memory serves me correctly), for instance, should be considered differently from the average pitcher.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:17 am
by Detroit-Tigers
Pitcher injuries are a roll on the DH's card I believe. I am not sure how they determine how long it goes.

Pitcher injury ratings were taken out to make the game simpler I believe.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:57 am
by Roscodog
If a starting pitcher is going to miss more than 1 start then there needs to be some sort of minor league system in strat. Something like you're given 3 million for 3 minor league players.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:12 pm
by bleacher_creature
When the DH is up, and a 666 is rolled on the three die, there is a chance for pitcher injury. Then the 20 sided die is rilled to determine how long.

BTW, if you look at th injury chart, a 20 sided roll of something like 1-6 or 7 results in no injury, out rest of game, or 1 game. That's just from memory, but I looked at it recently to gauge injury factors for certain players.

The rest of pitcher usage is dealt with with innings pitched for starters. Reliever use in strat is unrealistic. You have to get over that one if your going to have fun here.

At the same time, Strat is meant to be played in an historical context as well, and in the "old days" a reliever was more likely to pitch for 3+ innings.

The 1969 game plays pretty well with this in mind IMO.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:41 am
by Terry101
You are correct about the pitcher inuries. It is something that can be changed easily. Next Jan. or Feb. Bernie will be asking for possible changes or suggestions. That is a good time to let him know your thoughts. It could be tweaked so that a pitcher misses 1,2 or 3 starts. Also, you are correct in that it can be to a team's [i:8d29c619cd]advantage[/i:8d29c619cd] to get a starter injured as HAL takes your best reliever and pitches him.
A simple solution might be when the injury roll comes up 1-5 could be miss the rest of that game, 6-10 miss 1 start, etc.
And, instead of your closer starting the game (which would never happen) you could draft a 26th player still within the 80 mil budget to designate as the pitcher to be used if an injury occurs and only then, so that it would be a real penalty to lose a starter.

not enough pitcher's injuries

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:19 pm
by acuraRL
you really shouldn't be able to have a stud 4 man rotation with 41,41,40, and 40 starts respectively. i don't think i ever had a starter actually miss a start due to injury. it's just not as realistic as it is with hitters.

what do you guys think of having injuries off going into and during the playoffs? crazy?