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It's time to play...

Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:26 am

[b:b913c16a6f]BAD LUCK OR BAD TEAM?[/b:b913c16a6f]

This is my Rd 3. tourny team which I [i:b913c16a6f]thought[/i:b913c16a6f] I had done a pretty decent job of building but the offense so far has been sluggish and the pitching which I really thought was going to be good for my stadium and my opponents stadiums has been just getting murderized!

I know it's early and teams can be extremely streaky in this game of ours but I just thought I'd ask the masses for their thoughts on what moves I might consider or whether I should just stand pat and weather the storm of futility I'm in right now??
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Postby rgimbel » Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:42 am

you dont nearly have enough power for your ballpark prob a losing proposition whatever you do at this point but I would try to pu some cheap hr hitters if you can
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Postby tkl33 » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:26 am

I agree...not even close to enough power. Playing in a homerdome, you better hit 2 to 1 over your opponents. I'm not going to say it's a bad team...just not right for this park. It's still obviously very early, I don't even worry about a team until 2 weeks in, but it could be a long season. Too much was spent on SP. That would have been better used on the offense. If after a couple weeks things don't turn around, I'd look to trading Willis for a offensive upgrade or two.
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Postby albert2b » Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:05 am

I'd have to agree with rgimbel in that your power looks to be lacking a bit for a US Cell team. In a no DH league, the pitcher is already an automatic out in the lineup....therefore I think a team in a hitters' park should really have an excess of offensive firepower to make up for the pitcher hitting. With your team, only Valentin, Shelton and A. Ramirez are true HR threats....and they're not exactly premium hitters (like a Pujols or Lee...or even the caliber of a Manny or Vlad). Not sure if there's anything you'd want to do now that the season has already started....but if you do decide to make changes, I'd look to try and get guys better suited for your park. Damon, Michaels, Graffanino and even Giles really aren't good fits.

BTW, I'm in your league, so take my advice for whatever you think it's worth :wink:
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:42 am

Well what's left for power hitters can't field a lick, the lack of true power on the team was a preseason concern but I had a very hard time finding a deal that looked good. Yeah I also overspent on pitching, probably a kneejerk reaction cause my first two 06 teams were great offensive clubs but horrible in the pitching dept. I'll have to revisit the FA pool and other teams rosters to come up with a contingency plan if the ship doesn't right itself. :roll:
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:25 pm

In retrospect I'd say what I was going for was a potent pitching staff and just enough offense to get the job done. Unfortunately in the early going here the 'overspent on' pitching staff continues to bust out the gas cans and bluetips while the offense, although sluggish, is rated 5th overall in offense.
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Postby cummings2 » Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:50 pm

I think the ship should get going just fine Ty.

I think you have enough pop to get your initial idea rolling, just the case of the bad rolls through the first 9 games. You'll be fine IMO. You always are...especially when it comes to game 7 and you beat me in the finals :evil: :wink:
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:40 am

Well this team was a bit of an experiment considering that I've pretty much always stuck to the 30/50 rule for money distribution but it was worth a try I thought.

The dice definately seem to be going against me. My pitching staff has given up 17 HRs and yet almost all of my pitchers don't even have a HR on their cards. This may well be though where my thought up strategy for this stadium is gonna fail me. Much less expensive pitching could have given up that many homers which would mean that I'd have had more money to spend on other hitters to out homer my opponents.

Ah well, experimenting is part of what makes this game interesting.

Heck I've even been considering NOT making any changes but just riding the season out with this bunch just to see how disasterous it gets OR does the ship right itself over the longhaul??
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Postby cummings2 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:16 pm

One of the reasons why I like the team is because it's one of those teams that has the potential of being as good on the road as at home, I just took a look at th other parks in your league and...problem is that it is pretty even, slightly tilting towards pitching parks. So...if you go nuts on the offense and BP Homers and ease on the pitching my feeling is that you'll end up getting creamed on the road and won't be that better off at home than what you are now.

I'm not kidding, I think you have enough offense and certainly good pitching. 9-12 games is 3-4 starts for a pitcher...their stats are bound to look funky. The only area I'd look into would be 2B defense. But not until game 41 or so when stats are more...meaty.

Good luck Ty
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