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Any Thoughts on Batolo Colon?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:35 am
by Risden
New league for a 2006 Game Rookie...lots of homerdomes.

How will Colon hold up as opposed to Danny Haren, Tim Wakefield, Freddy Garcia?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:42 am
by visick
Probably better than that crew. He's got 3 BPHR chances vs. lefties and 2 vs. righties.

I'd avoid Wakefield ( 5 BPHR chances vs. lefties/ 4 vs. righties).

Garcia can be tough on righties (3 BPHR chances vs. lefties)
Haren has 4 vs. lefties and 3 vs. righties.

If you are gonna see MUCH more righties than lefties though, I'd go with Freddie.