Postby amitdoc2b » Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:39 pm


Thanks so much for looking at this post. My last minute questions are:

#1: I have 4 starting pitchers with an "*" so they can pitch on 3 days rest. But I was wondering if I added a 5th starter without an asterik, how would I have to set up my rotation so all 5 starters (4 w/ asterik, one without) pitch without skipping any of them?

#2: Same question as above, but 3 with asterik and 2 without?

And I know I know I don't need a 5th starter pitching but the one WITHOUT the asterik is actually better than a couple of the ones WITH an asterik..thats why...

#3: How do I change my teams name in Strat-O-Matic baseball?

#4: How bad will my pitching be affected if I have Soriano at 2b, but a 1(-5) in right field and a 2 at shortstop?

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Postby visick » Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:34 pm

1. That 5th starter should be a $.50 SP ONLY. He will never see the mound in a starting role. Go to "Your Team", then "Rotation" and from there you can plug in your 4 *SP's. Just use the 3.

2. Plug those 3 in *SP's and then use the other 2 in the 4th and 5th. spots.

3. Contact TSN.

4. Soriano will kill you @ 2B with his D or lack thereof. A 2 @ SS will help your pitching as will a 1 in RF. The most important positions to have good D (2 or better) is, in this order, SS, 2B and CF.
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Postby LMBombers » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:19 pm

If you want all 5 SP to start then you have to list the non-*SP #1 in your rotation which will make a 5 man rotation. Another way to do it is to use the "per game starters" setting and you can hand select what SP will start what games. This supercedes the rotation settings if you use it.
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Postby MoCrash » Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:24 pm

If you want to use all five SPs, but with the SP* pitchers getting the bulk of the innings, then put the three SP* pitchers in the rotation and don't designate a fourth SP, which HAL will choose on a game by game basis. The SP*s will each still go on three days' rest.
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