by geekor » Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:47 pm
Did you already make some changes? I'm not sure your salary adds up to 80 mil? Remember making changes, especially this early, will usually hurt a lot more than help.
Being noted, Heilman has already given up 12 HR's, when he has almost no chance off his card. that means either a) a lot of rolls of the hitters cards, beyond your control, or B) he is pitching fatigued. When people talk about using Heilman as setup and closer (which you dont need ot do with lidge) I end up with great results when I get about 150-200 innings out of him, you are on pace for about 300. So I'm guessing it's a bit of both A and B.
Dunn has only 6.1 (out of 108) chances of getting a hit vs Lefties (1 reason I don't like his card and havent used him yet this year). So technically, he's doing better than he should vs lefties. He is all walks and Hr's.
remember, since half the rolls come off the Hitters cards, that your pitching stats will inevitibly look worse because of the nature of your home park. And also remember that it is still a game of chance, and rolls just might not be going your way.