[b:a5caa36246]Revised Keeper Rules*:[/b:a5caa36246]
1 - All teams can protect 6 Players worth up to $50m
2 - 6 Round FA Draft will be based on randomized order (rather than the order of finish in Season II 2005)
3 - Multiple stadia will be allowed
[b:a5caa36246]Miscellaneous Rules:[/b:a5caa36246]
1 - Draft Clock will be 3/6 Hours running from 10am-12midnight Eastern 7 days a week, except for Canadian & American Holidays.
2 - Division assignments will be by choice for this 05 Season (pick your own division), then majority vote will determine division alignment for the 06 season(s).
4 - Bboth 06 seasons will be DH Leagues.
5 - Salary cap will be 80m.
6 - League will be "Advanced" - earning Champion 50 Points for Manager Ratings
7 - League will use Waivers. All Live Drafted Picks should be put at the BOTTOM of your draft card with autodraft selections at the TOP.
* - To speed up the process I have made some minor revisions. Previous rules may return in effect for the 2nd 06 season with majority consent. I've also decided to go straight to 06 to help ensure we can recruit enough replacements.