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Here's the dilemna:

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:40 am
by Coffeeholic
I've got a [b:d0a36fc682]Petco[/b:d0a36fc682] team in a division with homer haven [b:d0a36fc682]US Cell[/b:d0a36fc682], lefty leaning [b:d0a36fc682]Safeco[/b:d0a36fc682] and righty rampant [b:d0a36fc682]Minute Maid[/b:d0a36fc682].

If all of my divisional foes build their teams correctly, it will be nigh impossible to sufficiently build a team to fend off all their strengths while building on my own ball park.

Any ideas?

[b:d0a36fc682][i:d0a36fc682]"Confused in San Diego"[/i:d0a36fc682][/b:d0a36fc682]

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:48 am
by cummings2
geez...tough division. Either way you gotta make sure you got your natural OBPers well prepared.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:50 am
by geekor
build for your park to make sure you win 80% there, then hope for the best on the road :lol:

Get a bunch of guys who hit well anywhere, M Young, T Clark, ARod.

Carry 16 pitchers to match up? :P

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:04 pm
by Jerlins
Interesting. MM and Safeco, if teams are built correctly may beat each other up, so I'd pretty much ignore those teams with the exception of getting one cheap slanted SP for each of those teams. Chances are good the MM team will also have plenty of hitters that are RH but righty slanted so maybe your stud should be LH with few ballparks to compensate for the Cell team. The hitters in the 06 set make it difficult in my opinion to build a perfect lineup for a Safeco team considering that if this is an autodraft, the lefty hitters such as Ortiz, etc will be on everyone's list. MM is much easier to build for, but much easier to defend against as well in my opinion (hello Escobar, Padilla, Cabrera). That leaves the Cell team to work with.

Now if this is an non vet autodraft, and this was my team, I'd build my team on who I think would be the my strongest opponent once I have my teams strengths fine tuned.

Post a link, would be fun to disect the division.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:09 pm
by Jeepdriver
Strategy Tip de jour:

I really do not think some people realize this. Let's say, for example, a MM team has 7 RH hitters, 2 LH hitters and 0 switchers. It doesn't make any difference whether you start a RH pitcher OR a LH pitcher, that L/U in my example will have 7 RH batters hitting. In addition, if they have several RH hitters that hit righties well (Tejada, Cabrera, Glaus, etc) it would benefit you MORE to start a LH Pitcher, even in MM.

Therefore, my staff, if I'm in the Division you describe above, will have more to do with each teams individual line-up, rather than the park they play in.

Make sense?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:13 pm
by Jeepdriver
That said...I know what you're thinking. Some or all of those 3 teams may have a lot or some switchers on their squad, making my example above moot. In that case, Jerlins honed in on what I would do, carry 1 specialist for each park.

Don't just assume, however, that just because a team plays in MM you need to throw all righty pitchers at them, or vice versa in SAFECO. :)

excellent point

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:24 pm
by rgimbel
[quote:c1e5663898="Jeepdriver"]Strategy Tip de jour:

I really do not think some people realize this. Let's say, for example, a MM team has 7 RH hitters, 2 LH hitters and 0 switchers. It doesn't make any difference whether you start a RH pitcher OR a LH pitcher, that L/U in my example will have 7 RH batters hitting. In addition, if they have several RH hitters that hit righties well (Tejada, Cabrera, Glaus, etc) it would benefit you MORE to start a LH Pitcher, even in MM.

Therefore, my staff, if I'm in the Division you describe above, will have more to do with each teams individual line-up, rather than the park they play in.

Make sense?[/quote:c1e5663898]

makes sense however that lefty better be a reverse or he will get slaughtered

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:19 pm
by Jeepdriver
True, and there's plenty of them this year. Davis, Lee, Glavine, etc. But, he doesn't HAVE to be a reverse if it's somebody good, or if it's a Washburn or Vargas, for example. 8)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:42 pm
by Coffeeholic
Here's the division as is (waivers in 20 minutes).

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:34 pm
by Jerlins
So much for teams building as they should. :lol: